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by Bumis
09 Dec 2017, 21:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
Replies: 3
Views: 2771

Re: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas

For many years the zones were split, but we had a lot of feedback asking us to merge them for a bigger dueling population, and because the SW/Org areas were often griefed by guilds. We did offer both for those who wanted to choose, but as you can tell, everyone simply chooses the neutral dueling ar...
by Bumis
07 Dec 2017, 14:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
Replies: 3
Views: 2771

Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas

I want to offer to cancel same dueling area (horde/alliance). Its make more fun than you come to Stormwind with horde and ganking or to Durator with alliance. I saying that cause i remeber it was one or two years ago. It was really fun. Do it again please. Peace