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- 09 Dec 2017, 21:34
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2771
Re: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
For many years the zones were split, but we had a lot of feedback asking us to merge them for a bigger dueling population, and because the SW/Org areas were often griefed by guilds. We did offer both for those who wanted to choose, but as you can tell, everyone simply chooses the neutral dueling ar...
- 07 Dec 2017, 14:21
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2771
Hey ADMIN! Its about dueling areas
I want to offer to cancel same dueling area (horde/alliance). Its make more fun than you come to Stormwind with horde and ganking or to Durator with alliance. I saying that cause i remeber it was one or two years ago. It was really fun. Do it again please. Peace