Search found 11 matches

by ptaqback
15 May 2016, 15:02
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: People?!??
Replies: 9
Views: 3856

Re: People?!??

Population is still higher than it used to be before nosta closure. It was pretty obvious people wont stay too long, but at least some of them still playing.
by ptaqback
11 May 2016, 22:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Re: Playtbc was a con
Replies: 10
Views: 5516

Re: Playtbc was a con if you want to enlarge the picture, enter the link and click the image.

by ptaqback
05 May 2016, 14:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic
Replies: 92
Views: 44438

Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic

I actually want change arena on SF. I enjoyed my time spent here, but now what happens there is how i called it " pure shit ". It's not about how many PRO people play it, but all those shit actions like wintrade, nightfarm and dodge to be on the top.
by ptaqback
05 May 2016, 14:44
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic
Replies: 92
Views: 44438

Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic

No competition at all, people just dodge, nightfarm, snipe and wintrade. How can you even call it competition? Arena is pure shit.
by ptaqback
05 May 2016, 14:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic
Replies: 92
Views: 44438

Re: Zat autobiography real story dark secrets exclusive long topic

SF is no longer competitive, never was. Just bunch of idiots who want to have glad title, spectral tiger and show off in tanaris even though they're bad. They don't want arena to be competitive & fun.
by ptaqback
03 May 2016, 00:29
Topic: A simple Unit Frame addon?
Replies: 1
Views: 1520

Re: A simple Unit Frame addon?

X-perl or ArenaLive unitframe, both are simply to use =)
by ptaqback
29 Apr 2016, 21:10
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Apologies
Replies: 36
Views: 14063

Re: Apologies

@Henhouse and Xios, I know you both don't really like me, but I hope for quick answer in case this thread, thanks :).
by ptaqback
29 Apr 2016, 20:50
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Apologies
Replies: 36
Views: 14063

Re: Apologies

Can you just stop the drama about whos worse, more toxic or more retarded? I'm so sick of this... I don't want you to fight between each other to prove whos worse and whos better. All I just want is 2nd chance to play again on smolderforge and enjoy the arena. So yea if you want to fight between eac...
by ptaqback
29 Apr 2016, 13:48
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Apologies
Replies: 36
Views: 14063

Re: Apologies

I respect your opinion Kez and understand your concern about me, but if you really don't hate me, you could give me a chance :)