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by DefinitelyNotEvolve
02 Aug 2016, 14:29
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated

wait... smooth function and class colors are 2 different functions and there shouldnt be any conflict unless you are manually changing the colors of the status bars as i do on Player-Status bar in my UI there is hooked function which changes class colors health bar so that my(player) bar is not in c...
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
02 Aug 2016, 11:21
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated

wut? u mean player status hp bar? u want it in class color? other status bars except player´s are not changing its color based on % the "smoothing" function works correctly everywhere atm(except nameplates that are being worked on atm) i distinguished player status bar from all other hp...
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
24 Jul 2016, 12:07
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated

Sbkzor wrote: Lf. Perplexity's hp/mana bar animation from vanilla. ><
its implemented in next release (1.3) ...
there is still a little bug when targeting dead npcs
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
22 Jul 2016, 21:34
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --&gt; v2.0 updated

updated for brand new 1-4 party member frames + new action buttons outline/increase of its size/tons of other improvements(textures, shits etc) (If you are already using this UI and want to just try party-frames then just replace saved variables --> moveanything(2 files) and replace
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
21 Jul 2016, 12:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Smolderforge #3
Replies: 42
Views: 19277

Re: Smolderforge #3

the main problem (except completely retarded spell pene system on thig Bugfest realm) of resistances on this server is this: Spell hit rating and talents such as Shadow Focus(gives you +10% spell hit rating) are not penetrating resist talents such as Unbreakable Will(gives you +15% chance to resist ...
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
19 Jul 2016, 17:15
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --&gt; v2.0 updated

Then report exactly what is bugging/looking bad with other resolutions.. because i dont see any huge problem that couldnt be fixed user-side by just moving it somewhere else(minimap position) with build-in moveanything addon. As i said before, i will export clean UI, when im finished... and as i sai...
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
19 Jul 2016, 17:04
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --&gt; v2.0 updated

You can delete castbar addon and in "readme" you have a tutorial(also in classportraits.lua) how to change or completely remove the "troll portrait". Ye well i dont know how to do other resolutions cuz this ui is made for me in the 1st place. Please report which functions are bug...
by DefinitelyNotEvolve
19 Jul 2016, 16:48
Forum: Guides
Topic: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --> v2.0 updated
Replies: 27
Views: 30000

Re: Evolve PWP UI Release - 1920x1080 --&gt; v2.0 updated

i dont see the troll, if u mean casting bar, just delete Azcastbar addon... i added few addons into that zip which i feel are beneficial or something fresh to pwp. I wont do that when i release the UI...