Search found 25 matches
- 22 Sep 2019, 00:54
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Battleground are know COMPLETLY unplayable
- Replies: 11
- Views: 15154
Re: Battleground are know COMPLETLY unplayable
Are there still players in the server?
- 12 Nov 2018, 17:37
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Sunwell Gear Reintroduced!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7647
Re: Sunwell Gear Reintroduced!
And what about the players that had the full sets before u deleted it all? U have any idea how much time and effort it was to get the sets? Now u expect us to do the same all over again?
- 12 Nov 2018, 17:35
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Missing sunwell items on store & some ideas
- Replies: 11
- Views: 8904
Re: Missing sunwell items on store & some ideas
Is this a joke? We have farmed for months for the full sunwell sets. Then they removed it all at once. Now bring it back and expect us to farm it all over again? Really?
- 13 Mar 2017, 23:53
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Cross-Faction BG Live now?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3086
Re: Cross-Faction BG Live now?
Don't really care about the new Mall things etc. I want to enjoy the game-play instead of looks. I was so tired of Q-time for BG. Sometimes it takes up to 50 min to start a match. Thanks for the reply
- 12 Mar 2017, 15:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Cross-Faction BG Live now?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3086
Cross-Faction BG Live now?
Dear SM gamers,
I just want to know if Cross-Faction has been implemented into the server? Haven't been playing for long time. Wonder if it's the time to come back. Thank you
I just want to know if Cross-Faction has been implemented into the server? Haven't been playing for long time. Wonder if it's the time to come back. Thank you
- 14 Mar 2016, 19:30
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Swp gear
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3359
Re: Swp gear
SWP removal rekt the server population.
- 14 Mar 2016, 19:26
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Going back Horde? BG Balance
- Replies: 29
- Views: 11610
Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance
Crossfaction. Thats the only solution
- 29 Feb 2016, 09:31
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Winterspring Frostsaber
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3433
Re: Winterspring Frostsaber
thanks for the reply.
Btw Hen, I have sended a mail about my lost account. Will you be able to restore it?
Btw Hen, I have sended a mail about my lost account. Will you be able to restore it?
- 28 Feb 2016, 14:58
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Winterspring Frostsaber
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3433
Re: Winterspring Frostsaber
Is it possible for horde char to ride on Winterspring Frostsaber? Will the speed to be 100%?
- 21 Feb 2016, 22:56
- Forum:
- Topic: Addons won't load
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2270
Re: Addons won't load
Nvm, just reinstalled wow. Now it seems to work.