Search found 7 matches
- 13 Jan 2016, 06:57
- Forum:
- Topic: Is there a solution for non peak server times?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2409
Re: Is there a solution for non peak server times?
I've been playing SF for a little while now on and off. I'm from America so time zones and distance (latency) play a big factor in how frequently I play. Lately I've been logging on around 10p-2a my time. So Serverside that is 5am-9am. Usually there's a whopping six to thirteen people on; sometimes ...
- 08 Mar 2015, 16:46
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Can we talk about rage generation?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2228
Re: Can we talk about rage generation?
We're using the factors from 2.0.10 float rageconversion = 0.0091107836 * getLevel() * getLevel() + 3.225598133 * getLevel() + 4.2652911; weaponSpeedHitFactor = uint32(GetAttackTime(cleanDamage->attackType)/1000.0f * factor); factor is 7 for main hand crit, 3,5 for main hand attack and offhand crit...
- 06 Mar 2015, 21:32
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Can we talk about rage generation?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2228
Can we talk about rage generation?
This was taken from the closed bug report forums as I believe it deserves addressing because it was never answered before they locked the old forums. I will try to fit it under the bug report submission form but it is not what I would consider a bug - just something that needs updating if indeed it ...
- 04 Jan 2015, 03:06
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Warrior Bugs - Report here
- Replies: 52
- Views: 65351
Re: Warrior Bugs - Report here
Warrior rage generation is too low. I typed an extensive bugreport but the forum ate it, so information sources for correct rage generation: ... ageNo=1#16 ... generation -Zaktul We currently use those exact formulas in...
- 14 Dec 2014, 04:41
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: 3v3 solo queue interest
- Replies: 53
- Views: 18087
Re: 3v3 solo queue interest
Henhouse wrote:This feature is now live. Thanks for everyone's feedback!
this feature is live and it's fucking awesome!
thank you so much. this is so much fun, i hope you only expand upon this feature because this 3v3 action is beautiful.
- 07 Dec 2014, 21:10
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: 3v3 solo queue interest
- Replies: 53
- Views: 18087
Re: 3v3 solo queue interest
<Interest peaked. Please do it this would be fun
although doesn't seem many people will be using a chat client with solo que. Any ideas regarding that?
although doesn't seem many people will be using a chat client with solo que. Any ideas regarding that?
- 07 Dec 2014, 20:52
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Warrior Bugs - Report here
- Replies: 52
- Views: 65351
Re: Warrior Bugs - Report here
Taunting pets does not work correctly. I have tested on warlock, mage and hunter pets. The result is the same. When a pet in on passive Taunt, Mocking Blow and Challenging shout do not work. The animation shows up, the spell is active on the pet for the correct duration, Taunt and Mocking Blow put t...