Search found 6 matches

by Haruman
30 Aug 2009, 16:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Poll: Battleground Switchout
Replies: 3
Views: 1917

Re: Poll: Battleground Switchout

I voted for adding EOTS and having all 3 bg's available, but i think for eots the badge gain should be +1, because the amount of time, effort and teamplay required to win it would justify that (all those 3 factors are way higher than what AB / WSG require for winning).
Just a thought ...

by Haruman
30 Aug 2009, 07:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Black Temple raid
Replies: 11
Views: 5671

Re: Black Temple raid

Henhouse deleted them and they are not accessible anywhere in-game because they are very overpowered for rogues. Well , henhouse sayed boss drops that item ... I heard like that also, but anyway, would be great if Henhouse could stop 2 secs in this thread and enlighten us all about this issue, when...
by Haruman
29 Aug 2009, 19:44
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Black Temple raid
Replies: 11
Views: 5671

Re: Black Temple raid

It's 25 people max btw =P Yes :) As i said, if we get too many ppl signed up (would be too good to be true :P), we will be sorting them out based on superior equipment and raid needs. Thing is, in our opinion, this kind of server-wide raids are a very good thing for all players and like a breath of...
by Haruman
29 Aug 2009, 18:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Black Temple raid
Replies: 11
Views: 5671

Black Temple raid

The guild "Criminals" is planning a server-wide Black Temple raid on Sunday, 6 september, 12 PM (server time). The raid its to have 25-30 ppl and its planned to go until Illidan, including Supremus, Mother Shahraz and others (main target is Illidan). Pre-sign up is required so all the rai...
by Haruman
13 Aug 2009, 20:34
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Faction Imbalance.
Replies: 15
Views: 9192

Re: Faction Imbalance.

What ur saying will never happen ,once they increase the number of badges u get as alliance every CZ will probably be alli ,then once the number of people equals out alliance will have the advantage of getting more badges . People are gonna start complayining and its the whole problem starts again....
by Haruman
13 Aug 2009, 20:22
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Faction Imbalance.
Replies: 15
Views: 9192

Re: Faction Imbalance.

Tho i understand the reasons behind this, i really think the method to fix it its wrong and damages the server, both in short and longer term. Players should not be forced or restricted to play only a faction (which maybe they really dont enjoy playing --> server changed in 10 mins), but instead the...