Search found 73 matches

by Proudmore
12 Apr 2018, 19:44
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Race Model Changer
Replies: 51
Views: 25198

Re: Race Model Changer

Yes, it is possible that we will add this feature soon. Some players suggested that and it already exists on our dev realm. Why only these races? This is what we have found so far and since you cannot make completely new spells only those already existing can be used....
by Proudmore
12 Apr 2018, 16:35
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: 3s solo trolling or wintrading
Replies: 1
Views: 1763

Re: 3s solo trolling or wintrading

ok short fresh story : (1327, 2 wins< s4 geared rogue) ( here he answers to ok after calling him wtrader) ( meanwhile we fight, he afks in stealth and push cloak for no reason) ( he went off stealth in midle of f...
by Proudmore
12 Apr 2018, 15:47
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: 3s solo trolling or wintrading
Replies: 1
Views: 1763

3s solo trolling or wintrading

I got few reports only seens I couldnt screen all the cases which are way more than these cases below. Few screns with guys leaving in first seconds of arena: Trolls/wtrading: ( he clearly s...
by Proudmore
24 Dec 2017, 12:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server
Replies: 11
Views: 6965

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

All I saw is " make it undispelable" , remove chance to ressist stuns, give removecurse, Can't imagine a ret paladin being balanced by removecurse spell, that just an argument, First balance would be in buffing/unbuffing things, no changing them radically. The basic Idea is good tho.It wil...
by Proudmore
09 Aug 2015, 16:28
Topic: Weapon Fragments ("Donation Token") Transferrable
Replies: 30
Views: 10575

Re: Weapon Fragments (&quot;Donation Token&quot;) Transferrable

Guys, no way a legendary weapon to be obtain in few days, this is crazy.
by Proudmore
09 Aug 2015, 16:26
Topic: Stats in Percentages
Replies: 31
Views: 11970

Re: Stats in Percentages

I'm not even going to read all this, it should be clear as a day that should not happen, I'm still wondering how come this was implemented, like what did you think of while updating this, what it helps and what is it for?
by Proudmore
01 Aug 2015, 03:05
Forum: Guild Recruitment
Topic: Seal Twisting
Replies: 21
Views: 24747

Re: Seal Twisting

L2 LUA API and u can switch whatever u want I tried to switch them while a global cooldown is already going on, like I was doing in the past after global cooldown was implemented on weapons, and you cant switch anything while you have global cooldown. I don't even know what to say about these addon...
by Proudmore
31 Jul 2015, 14:58
Forum: Guild Recruitment
Topic: Seal Twisting
Replies: 21
Views: 24747

Re: Seal Twisting

Seal Twisting #showtooltip Seal of Command(Rank 6) /equip Libram of Avengement /use Judgement /use Seal of Command(Rank 6) #showtooltip Seal of Blood(Rank 1) /equip Libram of Avengement /use Judgement /use Seal of Blood(Rank 1) #showtooltip Seal of Justice(Rank 2) /equip Libram of Avengement /use J...
by Proudmore
03 Mar 2015, 08:24
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Mounts Variation
Replies: 25
Views: 8562

Re: Mounts Variation

put them for 100 weapon fragments, jk. Would be awesome, but mounts like red wolf will get old and as there is one that looks closesly similar, may afect it.
by Proudmore
26 Feb 2015, 17:44
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Fixing the bugs.
Replies: 11
Views: 5700

Re: Fixing the bugs.

Itslovelol wrote: Feel free to visit the testing realm to test my stuff, but since everyone is lazy as fuck I doub that anyone will come and test things.

Jk. Development Realm is closed