Search found 10 matches

by Avalei
21 Feb 2015, 21:52
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Wanted: Giselda the Crone
Replies: 2
Views: 1840

Re: Wanted: Giselda the Crone
These monsters do count for this quest (if you want to get it done while waiting for eventual fix).
Nevertheless the monsters in that Fortress indeed don't, while they should.
by Avalei
19 Feb 2015, 00:29
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.
Replies: 26
Views: 11570

Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Also, clear your Cache folder! The robes are now green on SF and can be transmogged!
This is really nice, but there's also one more dress from tailoring (recolor in red, recipe obtainable during the event). Any chance to make it uncommon as well?
by Avalei
18 Feb 2015, 10:37
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Profession Vendors
Replies: 19
Views: 8432

Re: Profession Vendors

Quest for this recipe does not work so it'd be nice to see it at the blacksmithing vendor.
by Avalei
14 Feb 2015, 19:05
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Consume magic eating shadowform
Replies: 1
Views: 1360

Consume magic eating shadowform

What is the bug? Blood elf priest racial "Consume magic" can consume shadowform What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE) Spell How can you reproduce it? Make blood elf priest, activate only shadoform and cast consume magic. Please describe, in detail, what is suppose to occur whe...
by Avalei
30 Jan 2015, 17:49
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Spellsteal trueshot aura
Replies: 1
Views: 1440

Spellsteal trueshot aura

What is the bug? Mage can spellsteal trueshot aura from hunter if the hunter has any other buffs besides trueshot aura What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE) Spell How can you reproduce it? Buff hunter with for example arcane intellect and then attempt to spellsteal the hunter with mage ...
by Avalei
15 Aug 2014, 16:19
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75932

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Something that came to my mind - are these mogs going to have class restrictions? Or will mages who can carry one handed swords be able to run around with a warglaive, or druids with Anathema/Benediction will also become a thing? (yeah i know that will cost some of the main stats, but fashion)
by Avalei
31 Jul 2014, 15:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Your ideas for legendary transmog models
Replies: 50
Views: 22387

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Some of the items (fist) i found interesting. Also while it says added in 4.0.3 their id's seem smaller than tbc so they might work there (if someone who knows how exactly it works could comment on it it'd be great :o) Something 1 Something 2 Something 3 The source is this (just typed in google wow ...
by Avalei
09 Jul 2014, 22:53
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Priest Bugs - Report here
Replies: 90
Views: 71275

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Blood elf priest racial - Consume Magic can consume shadowform, while it should not work like this (as far as i know shadowform is not a "Magic effect").