Search found 56 matches
- 13 Jun 2015, 11:39
- Forum:
- Topic: Priest/Rogue bugs
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1520
Re: Priest/Rogue bugs
I could not find the bug report section on the new forum so please move this thread to the intended place. What is the bug? Martyrdoom does not work on Deadly Throw interrupt and Unbreakable Will talent does not work on Garrote silence effect. What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE) Spell...
- 13 Jun 2015, 11:25
- Forum:
- Topic: Percentages on target
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2878
Re: Percentages on target
Health/Mana % was in vanilla and in TBC up to S2 if I recall correctly. I got som old screenshots of my lv 66 priest during S3 in TBC and on those screenshots the mobs and players had displayed health and mana. (I had no addons back then, was a newbie, but the % thing was an option in the interface ...
- 03 Jun 2015, 21:54
- Forum:
- Topic: Alterac Valley problems...
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2628
Re: Alterac Valley problems...
As long as there are no healer caps in the BGs Id say, let shit be shit.
- 24 May 2015, 20:32
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: A different kind of suggestion
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1517
A different kind of suggestion
Hello Smolderforge! Months and years pass here on Smolderforge but the server still stands. It is a good PvP server with a small community but with excellent PvP if one asks me. The introduction of 70 daily heroics, new PvP zones and mogging/bonus items for honor and much more were exquisite ideas t...
- 21 May 2015, 18:24
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Transmog ( Forum Event)
- Replies: 19
- Views: 8361
Re: Transmog ( Forum Event)
Greetings mon.
Here be ma mojo!

Other pics of me.
Ps: Trolls are so tall that my weapon got blurred by my name so I removed it. Besides, we all know dat trolls got da powa'!
Here be ma mojo!

Other pics of me.
Ps: Trolls are so tall that my weapon got blurred by my name so I removed it. Besides, we all know dat trolls got da powa'!
- 21 May 2015, 16:55
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Rocket Boots+Slow Fall in WSG
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3573
Re: Rocket Boots+Slow Fall in WSG
Devs does not have to play the game so if something is broken you can't just sit around to get it fixed.Hartun wrote:Really?Itslovelol wrote:If something is bugged report it to the bugtracker, otherwise no fix.
- 21 May 2015, 11:17
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Server future [Critism and Suggestions]
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5393
Re: Server future [Critism and Suggestions]
1. I also agree that the cost is really low. However donations are needed to keep the server up. It also brings up another huge crux, the fact that only certain classes and players will be able to get S4. Arena in TBC is the worst in my humble opinion. 2v2 is tied to much to class and spec that it i...
- 31 Mar 2015, 21:37
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9153
Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work
It is working against kick (tested today) however not against deadly throw. Works against pummel and shield bash too. Didn't test the rest. The resists were low but still happend. And you don't lose the casting time. Vs Kick I tested it 40 times, 0 procs. But I do take you word for that yours were ...
- 30 Mar 2015, 19:28
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9153
Re: Martyrdoom does not work on DT+PvP Gloves
Without CS talentl, as I was aware of the 15% silence resist priest talent gives. Still, no dice on Martyrdoom.Ricekrispies wrote:Did you test it with unimproved Counterspell?Voodoomaniac wrote:Edit: Damnit, Martyrdoom does not work vs counterspell either.
- 29 Mar 2015, 20:52
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9153
Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work
It could just be a chance thing. It's supposed to remove any casting time loss as it does and give a 20% chance to resist interrupt effects. Have you tried several times with one person perhaps? Maybe the warrior got the 20% when he pummeled but the other classes didn't. On each scenario, the talen...