Search found 23 matches

by Agarwen
18 Jun 2016, 22:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Replies: 18
Views: 7576

Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!

Sorry to see that you are so mad, but I did everything correct, its wasnt best of 2 sometimes and best of 1 sometimes, if you just had checked the bracket then there would be a problem..Maybe my events arent the best but its better then no events. If you dont think our events is good enough why are...
by Agarwen
18 Jun 2016, 17:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Replies: 18
Views: 7576

Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!

I have played tbc tournament aswell proper one with stream, commentator and cash prize and huge qualification : )
by Agarwen
18 Jun 2016, 00:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Replies: 18
Views: 7576

Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!

June 25 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 3v3! So gather your team and be ready! 8 TEAMS, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! If you have a a team message me or warcrime, and I'll add you directly, send it on DISCORD OR INGAME or post a comment below, with the exact character name that you will be playing and no changing!(Pr...
by Agarwen
01 May 2016, 21:35
Topic: 3v3 wintraders
Replies: 6
Views: 2765

Re: 3v3 wintraders

by Agarwen
01 May 2016, 20:50
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Smolderforge. The present and the future.
Replies: 12
Views: 5801

Re: Smolderforge. The present and the future.

Add extra points for 3s. I mean non blizzlike more %, i mean custom scripted 50(or 100) arena points for playing 10(or any other number of games) in "3x3 hour" which could star at prime time. People gonna unit in groups before and playing 3s, it gonna be popular at least for 1 hour everyd...
by Agarwen
01 May 2016, 19:51
Topic: 3v3 wintraders
Replies: 6
Views: 2765

Re: 3v3 wintraders

Can you do 3v3 ladder same as we have 2v2? If not keep eye on 3v3 bracket pleaase.
by Agarwen
01 May 2016, 19:30
Topic: 3v3 wintraders
Replies: 6
Views: 2765

Re: 3v3 wintraders

I found two teams which wintrade each other this on team is donor team and this team getting profit Just check logs and arena length. ...
by Agarwen
14 Feb 2016, 14:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Agarwen test pvp movie vol.3
Replies: 2
Views: 1886

Re: Agarwen test pvp movie vol.3

My new movie with worst video options in game cause of computer. I made it just for test laptop and i simply hope you'll enjoy it. Editing took me 15 mins and arenas was frapsed in 1 day. Sorry for bad quality.
by Agarwen
21 Aug 2015, 17:35
Topic: Smolderforge Tournaments -- A change to arena seasons (cash prizes!)
Replies: 45
Views: 135

Re: Smolderforge Tournaments -- A change to arena seasons (cash prizes!)

is it 2v2 tournament or 3v3 like it should be?
by Agarwen
23 Jun 2015, 20:21
Topic: Server lags
Replies: 2
Views: 1259

Re: Server lags

Why server lagging like hell? Impossible to play arenas.