Search found 11 matches

by Jackhill
15 Jul 2013, 15:05
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Server
Replies: 19
Views: 8434

Re: Server

Hey now, no need to apologise - shit happens. Just thought I'd check it wasn't only me :)
by Jackhill
15 Jul 2013, 15:02
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Server
Replies: 19
Views: 8434


Hi there, is the server down at the moment? Smolderforge homepage says it isn't but I keep getting stuck on 'connected'. Am I banned or something? What's the deal?
by Jackhill
09 Jul 2013, 21:23
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Armory and transmog
Replies: 8
Views: 3152

Re: Armory and transmog

Cube wrote:
Imperium wrote:I think Cube said something about BiS for any class...

oh yeah, 4/5 gladiator sunwell leggings and pvp accessories.
17/17 swp.
I've gone halfway between.

Not really the point of my post though. I was mainly suggesting that the armory be made more user friendly...
by Jackhill
09 Jul 2013, 15:31
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Armory and transmog
Replies: 8
Views: 3152

Re: Armory and transmog

Robotking wrote:are you chinese?
are you?
by Jackhill
09 Jul 2013, 11:12
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Armory and transmog
Replies: 8
Views: 3152

Armory and transmog

Hello, hello! I'm not sure if it's possible, but I think that it would be pretty neat if the website's armory was a little more detailed. Things like attack/spell power being listed along with base stats, as well as a person's talents, gems, etc, would make it a lot easier for players to model thems...
by Jackhill
07 Jul 2013, 04:23
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Rogue PvP help
Replies: 15
Views: 15593

Re: Rogue PvP help

Cube wrote:
There's stun resistance in the game.
Truuuuue... I guess I assumed the resists were poisons failing.

Anyways, thanks for the help boys :)
by Jackhill
06 Jul 2013, 16:08
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Rogue PvP help
Replies: 15
Views: 15593

Re: Rogue PvP help

Nah, I monitor diminishing returns. Its the dodges that fuck me.
by Jackhill
06 Jul 2013, 11:05
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Rogue PvP help
Replies: 15
Views: 15593

Re: Rogue PvP help

Soooo... Aim for 4% rather than 5? The misses I saw weren't necessarily misses, I just say that because they didn't land. I'm pretty sure they were dodges but that's to do with expertise if I remember correctly and I cbf chasing that stat.
As long as 5 (ish) % hit is all I need, I'm happy.
by Jackhill
05 Jul 2013, 18:41
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Rogue PvP help
Replies: 15
Views: 15593

Re: Rogue PvP help

Yes more or less, although could you expand a little on the degree to which armor pen is useful? Like is it worth using 2 PvE rings or should I always keep a PvP one? And regarding the hit, I currently have well over 5% but I've seen countless dodges - not the same as misses I guess but thats why I ...
by Jackhill
05 Jul 2013, 17:22
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Rogue PvP help
Replies: 15
Views: 15593

Rogue PvP help

Ok so I'm guessing this has been covered some place else but either some links or quick advice would be appreciated because I haven't found a whole lot searching through this forum. Basically, what do I need as a rogue? I can't remember the details from my BC days and I have some questions that need...