Search found 9 matches

by seeulen
15 Jul 2014, 22:27
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

It is a shame that you can't compensate time that some players invest in swp gathering. the same reason you don't get paid to take a shit. so a couple of pixels are different. such a big deal. stop being such an entitled pansy and look past your own shitty problems and you'll realize this change is...
by seeulen
15 Jul 2014, 08:23
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

It is a shame that you can't compensate time that some players invest in swp gathering.
by seeulen
14 Jul 2014, 11:43
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

So what was the point of making SC and including swp items in s4 donation ? Should we scratch off pve on this server(talking about not scripted raids) when there is few better PvP servers ?
by seeulen
14 Jul 2014, 11:21
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Please,just for i minute think about players who farm swp on few chars and they are not playing PvP. What about them, There have to be other way to get rid of swp dressed ppl in PvP. if you read carefully you would see: Scarlet Citadel has been adjusted appropriately with Tier 6 gear and will now h...
by seeulen
14 Jul 2014, 11:10
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Please, just for i minute think about players who farm swp on few chars and they are not playing PvP. What about them, There have to be other way to get rid of swp dressed ppl in PvP.
by seeulen
14 Jul 2014, 10:08
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)
Replies: 164
Views: 75863

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

More than 80% ? That's not true. Also PvP on this server is on "below zero level" and it won't be strict PvP server never.
by seeulen
08 Jul 2014, 21:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
Replies: 16
Views: 5908

Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Did you change boss armor values in SC ?
by seeulen
02 Jul 2014, 14:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: S4 code Giveaway!
Replies: 32
Views: 12451

Re: S4 code Giveaway!

I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.