Search found 3 matches

by Simpastar
31 Mar 2013, 00:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: How do you look like IRL
Replies: 3
Views: 1740

Re: How do you look like IRL

Damit! The metal guys always beats me
by Simpastar
31 Mar 2013, 00:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: How do you look like IRL
Replies: 3
Views: 1740

How do you look like IRL

What's up playas! We all know how we look like in WoW but not in real life. Its easter and im feeling the love, it's time to show how we look like IRL, so upload your pics! And I can start this off with some pic's of myself. Me with teh bitchez:
by Simpastar
11 Mar 2013, 15:14
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Connection error
Replies: 2
Views: 1494

Connection error

Am I the only one who can't login to the server? My internet is working fine and all but I cant connect. Ty for response

I see them views but no answer, is anyone having the same issue??