Search found 16 matches
- 23 Apr 2014, 02:06
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Weekly Raid boss quest.
- Replies: 36
- Views: 11675
Re: Weekly Raid boss quest.
I want to suggest something about the requirements to complete the daily quest. I think it would be better if you would stick with the old requirements that were killing the last boss of the dungeon and looting a questitem from them. On smolderforge you have to replace people in your raid or even du...
- 23 Apr 2014, 01:57
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Remaining bugs in dungeons
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1107
Remaining bugs in dungeons
I just wanted to point out a bug in The Blood Furnace that appeared since you reworked it to fix the unattackable mobs. Now the event for the 2nd boss appears to be broken where it worked correctly before you worked on the dungeon iirc. The boss should be locked behind a door after a big room that h...
- 21 Apr 2014, 03:11
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5923
Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
all this applied tbh i wasnt 0/0/0 but i carefully chose only talents that would give flat ap bonusses and wouldnt make any difference as long as i had the same spec all the time for reference i was also only using this 1 mace and no offhand and i dont need 1000 hits to see that after 10 hits i do t...
- 21 Apr 2014, 02:48
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5923
Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
i think this formula is quoted of wowwiki and i saw the same formula in another soruce that was clearly referring to tbc the formula also worky when i try it ingame with my characters armor values and the %reduction and i also think this is the same formula for bosses since the other source i was me...
- 21 Apr 2014, 00:34
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5923
Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
wow im far off
can anyone tell me why? as i said i dont really theorycraft or have any further knowledge but doing it the way i did made alot of sense to me :\
can anyone tell me why? as i said i dont really theorycraft or have any further knowledge but doing it the way i did made alot of sense to me :\
- 20 Apr 2014, 23:41
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5923
Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values
The past few days i've been trying to evaluate the armor of each of the bosses in scarlet citadel and wanted to share my results. I'm pretty much an amateur when it comes to theorycrafting so if you have any errors to point out please do so I'd appreciate it. To find out the bosses armor i used a Wo...
- 05 Jan 2014, 20:25
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: discownnected or server down?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2280
Re: discownnected or server down?
sick trailer
looking forward too your moovie
looking forward too your moovie
- 06 Jun 2013, 13:26
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Ingame active players who have enchanting
- Replies: 17
- Views: 6222
Re: Ingame active players who have enchanting
so you're too lazy to look for an enchanter /make one one your own (which is not hard at all) so all enchanters should just line up here so they can get spammed ingame by 283273402 ud rogues that want assault on bracers? that right? theres nothing wrong with asking for an enchanter on lfg as long as...
- 01 Jun 2013, 19:06
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: New Armory Issues
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3370
Re: New Armory Issues
The haircut displayed on the armorypage of my rogue is definately not the hairstyle i have chosen when I created said character. Neither did i use this haircut recently.Imperium wrote:Your hairstyle may be a visual bug but not entirely.
When you create a character you pick a default hairstyle.
- 01 Jun 2013, 16:48
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: New Armory Issues
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3370
New Armory Issues
Hi there. First of all gj on the changes you made lately but nevertheless I'd like to report some issues with the armory that I immediately sumbled upon due to the 3D model (which I enjoy alot though because I like having something visual in the armory). First of all and a rather minor issue is the ...