Search found 20 matches

by Fodis
22 Aug 2015, 03:28
Topic: Shadow Word: Death hitting caster for more than enemy
Replies: 1
Views: 1053

Re: Shadow Word: Death hitting caster for more than enemy

Just noticed this bug, my Shadow Word: Death is hitting the dummy for 1500-1700 but the backlash on me is 1800-2000. Per the tooltip the damage should be the same, there's clearly a bug. I either want to be hitting more or taking less damage:P

by Fodis
04 Aug 2015, 02:44
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Where are the bans promised for the talent abusers?
Replies: 11
Views: 4686

Re: Where are the bans promised for the talent abusers?

Why would there be bans if everyone can do it? Instead of wasting time banning, a fix should be worked on. I tried to spec normally but the bug sometimes specs 2 or 3 points at a time, so talents where I wanted to put 3/5 or 4/5 points un up going over unintentionally... would I get banned because t...
by Fodis
04 Aug 2015, 00:16
Topic: Talent abuser
Replies: 11
Views: 4983

Re: Talent abuser

Seems its a bug rather than a hack.. I logged in for the first time in a while and have a lot more talent points. Looks like haste is also bugged
by Fodis
30 Mar 2013, 18:24
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: NEW VIDEO: Zittar & Coockshock - Sub_struction
Replies: 5
Views: 2656

Re: NEW VIDEO: Zittar & Coockshock - Sub_struction

that editing was retarded, didn't want to watch past a few mins
by Fodis
22 Mar 2013, 23:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Replies: 21
Views: 8013

Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3

I don't think arena point rewards are very effective considering the amount of s4 donors that play. I have a char sitting on 2k points with nothing to do with them
by Fodis
07 Mar 2013, 02:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: how to pass the time?
Replies: 13
Views: 4655

Re: how to pass the time?

Spring break? head down to new orleans and get some ass
by Fodis
04 Mar 2013, 17:24
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!
Replies: 21
Views: 8606

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

do you even strafe
by Fodis
04 Mar 2013, 01:25
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Touch of Weakness proccing blackout
Replies: 2
Views: 1393

Touch of Weakness proccing blackout

The UD priest buff Touch of Weakness can sometimes proc Blackout and stun the priest.

Likely works like this because it is a shadow spell. However, it is a buff and it's annoying when rebuffing it and stunning yourself. Happened a few times today :/
by Fodis
25 Feb 2013, 15:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Comeback, wait what? felguards?
Replies: 11
Views: 4357

Re: Comeback, wait what? felguards?

>rihanna song

also I liked how the druid ran towards the priest and got feared
by Fodis
22 Feb 2013, 18:41
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 3815


Clizzey wrote:Personally I believe I have been seeing an increase in active players // population lately!
Probably because of the new fixes, great, love it!
Really? I've seen a decrease since January especially after peak hours (which is evening in my timezone so there's not much activity)