Search found 8 matches
- 07 Jan 2013, 01:35
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: 3.3.5a Fire Mage PvP
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2157
- 28 Apr 2009, 06:33
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: OHAI
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2725
You know the part that says annoy the fuck out of you, couldve saved you time from making that reply.
But you know w/e lolz
But you know w/e lolz
- 26 Apr 2009, 22:09
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: OHAI
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2725
HIHIHIII Im a decent mage who has no life and will be annoying the fuck out of all of you. ^_^ Scape kiddies may know me previously when i was bad, Im a bit better, i have a crap movie on Wcm ive become sick of wrath and it being made for the casual gamer so Nuff of wrath, More TBC. I know riverasho...
- 26 Apr 2009, 22:03
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Five Deadly Gladiators
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2001
Re: Five Deadly Gladiators
im sicsixsic
nuff said
nuff said
- 26 Apr 2009, 22:00
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Hunt druid 2v2 vid
- Replies: 44
- Views: 18198
Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid
Ok video.
Sorta boring , Well, anything with a druid is honestly boring.
Hump the pillar, cyclone, run back behind pillar, cyclone, repeat.
But yeah it was a ok video
3/5 for Being OK in arena :P
Sorta boring , Well, anything with a druid is honestly boring.
Hump the pillar, cyclone, run back behind pillar, cyclone, repeat.
But yeah it was a ok video
3/5 for Being OK in arena :P
- 26 Apr 2009, 20:54
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: thoughts on patch 3.1
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5774
Re: thoughts on patch 3.1
Arms got buffed. Awsome now i have charge to worry about too when facing 2 opponents and ones a warrior.
Hunters are still overpowered
Death knights are still overpowered
Mages got nerfed except for arcane of course.
Warlocks , Not sure.
Paladins , Ret got nerfed but inst holy still rapeface?
Hunters are still overpowered
Death knights are still overpowered
Mages got nerfed except for arcane of course.
Warlocks , Not sure.
Paladins , Ret got nerfed but inst holy still rapeface?
- 26 Apr 2009, 20:45
- Forum: Guild Recruitment
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5255
Im Good friends with riverasho , Im on
Ill throw you guys a whisper in game once this is done installing
sick of wrath and all of its fail.
Ill throw you guys a whisper in game once this is done installing
sick of wrath and all of its fail.
- 26 Apr 2009, 20:29
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Best "pro gamer"?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 6768
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Vurtne. He is one of the first mages to pull off 1vX , hes done 1v2/3s in Shit gear. That does not make him the best, i value the ability to face 1vX players and take them down one at a time while ccing the other or interrupting heals blah blah , more then arena. He point blank ice blocked pom-pyro,...