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by faytrew
17 Nov 2012, 18:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Im Got Hacked
Replies: 14
Views: 5278

Re: Im Got Hacked

At least I can tell which email is linked to the account I check if I still have access to it?
by faytrew
28 Oct 2012, 19:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Im Got Hacked
Replies: 14
Views: 5278

Re: Im Got Hacked

Look buddy, I'm sorry if misunderstood, the sites you said, I do not know any besides the redtube, because already heard. Good and the rest, in version 2.4.3, mainly donnors, getting S4, gain much advantage over other players who are not donnor not have the S4, especially in pvp, I think that would ...
by faytrew
13 Oct 2012, 21:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Im Got Hacked
Replies: 14
Views: 5278

Re: Im Got Hacked

People can hack you easily now through Because you need to enter your username and e-mail and you just posted them here. Eh, his fault for sharing his info with someone. We're spammed not to do that, and (un)common sense would suggest that's not wise anyway. He reape...
by faytrew
13 Oct 2012, 07:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Im Got Hacked
Replies: 14
Views: 5278

Im Got Hacked

Please read in full to understand my side, all I want is my account back, that's all. Hello, in the last days I have been struggling with a problem, my account was hackiada, it is because the server administrators are not responsible for this kind of problem and we can not do anything and so on. I h...