Search found 16 matches

by Regozai
18 Nov 2012, 01:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Im Got Hacked
Replies: 14
Views: 5265

Re: Im Got Hacked

cant support
by Regozai
17 Nov 2012, 14:22
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Warrior Spell Reflection
Replies: 5
Views: 3061

Re: Warrior Spell Reflection

That video is from s3 release, wich was older patch than 2.4.3, back on that patch spell reflection reflected all spells casted on the 4 sec duration
by Regozai
17 Nov 2012, 04:52
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Warrior Spell Reflection
Replies: 5
Views: 3061

Warrior Spell Reflection

Ive made some research and testing on the server and ive found bug with how the spell reflection detects the spells. How it should work in patch 2.4.3: Shaman starts to cast Lightningbolt Mage starts to cast Frostbolt Warrior uses Spell Reflection Mage finishes cast and Frostbolt is mid air Shaman f...
by Regozai
12 Nov 2012, 12:52
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: s4 NOT only for donors
Replies: 24
Views: 9288

Re: s4 NOT only for donors

Ratings needed to get S4 are too damn high!
by Regozai
12 Nov 2012, 12:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Guardian S4 ring quest bug
Replies: 5
Views: 2463

Re: Guardian S4 ring quest bug

Hope you get your ring Ferrum!
by Regozai
12 Nov 2012, 12:44
Forum: Warrior
Topic: Does impale work?
Replies: 2
Views: 5091

Re: Does impale work?

Impale is the 20% to crits in Battle stance and Berserker Stance?

if so; then yes.
by Regozai
12 Nov 2012, 12:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kissxsis
Replies: 12
Views: 5003

Re: Kissxsis

Deems wrote:leave this trash out of the forums
by Regozai
12 Nov 2012, 12:25
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: GM Ticket turned into Forum post
Replies: 1
Views: 1253

GM Ticket turned into Forum post

Ive kept ticket up last 2 weeks and for some reason it had never been answered, could have been bugged with some disconnect who knows. 1st: is it possible to replace Whistle of Ivory Raptor(rare mount) with something that i can actually use, im Tauren and taurens cant use the Ivory Raptor, I got the...
by Regozai
22 Oct 2012, 19:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Are you part of what group?
Replies: 19
Views: 5842

Are you part of what group?

There is few groups in SF what you can put in different categorys: - Friend groups - off Mainstreamers - Arena players - Noobs - Dueling kings - Role players In what group you belong?
by Regozai
22 Oct 2012, 16:28
Forum: Warrior
Topic: Looking for Warrior PvP Advice
Replies: 10
Views: 14999

Re: Looking for Warrior PvP Advice

starting to play warrior is hardest of any of class, but once you get familiar with it, its the easiest and most fun Basically rage = dps, that means you can spam MS/WW/HS What i do when i play warrior is to spam everything i can, and berserker rage = hs spam against druids you should open with noth...