Search found 4 matches

by Manyak
08 Dec 2012, 22:58
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Please Fix Physical Damge and Spell pushback Issues
Replies: 6
Views: 3021

Re: Please Fix Physical Damge and Spell pushback Issues

I would appreciate if any admin would at least look into this.
by Manyak
30 Oct 2012, 19:00
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: NPCs, world bosses in new world pvp zone.
Replies: 6
Views: 2666

Re: NPCs, world bosses in new world pvp zone.

the new zone has a lot of potential and i like that. now, in its current stage, it is kind of plain, most of the time its either horde or alliance waiting for someone of the other faction at spawn point. I like the ideas suggested by imperium, probably add some pve twist to the area would be nice. M...
by Manyak
27 Sep 2012, 01:12
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: wsg horde vs alliance
Replies: 24
Views: 7528

wsg horde vs alliance

you're bored and you're browsing the forums, you keep getting Smolderforge's website is over capacity :( well lucky you, here's a screenshot of the epic fight between the most popular alliance guild vs some of us just before server crash. Kudos to all who played with me and Cheers ezatt, it was a fu...
by Manyak
19 Sep 2012, 13:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Teambalance ??
Replies: 11
Views: 4243

Re: Teambalance ??

Crossfaction bg's.
this doesnt sound like a bad idea