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- 25 Apr 2016, 01:03
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
So you are saying the thousands upon thousands of macros like this; /equip libram of mending /cast Holy Light (Rank5) that are found in hundreds of archived web pages and websites, were this is countless discussion on thread after thread including the one I just linked, were only used, ONLY used and...
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:57
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
So to restate, just for the sake of child like clarity; 2.4.2 : "/equip libram of mending /cast Holy Light (Rank5)" Works in combat 2.4.3 ; "/equip libram of mending /cast Holy Light (Rank5)" No longer works in combat. I argue that we should use the 2.4.2 mechanic. Simple no?
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:54
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
PLS, LEARN TO READ AT LEAST. I'm about to lose hope with you. You just proved my point once again, the point I have made in every single post on this subject. That the way the relic swapping mechanic functioned was CHANGED IN 2.4.3. To go from a system where a macro like this works. "/equip li...
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:46
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Here is yet another inconvenient post for you.Paniz wrote:oh wow, man, i didn't expected that you don't read anything but first post. try to do it.
Ok, I just went and tested this macro:
/equip Libram of Mending
/cast Holy Light
and it does indeed work so answered my own question, false alarm.
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:45
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Some other things that were removed in 2.4.3: usage of Rocket Boots Pets always following targets even when they go into stealth op cheat death Dispellable mage/lock armors Want those back too because they were part of majority of TBC? And thats exactly why I said context was important. Becuause th...
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:43
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
yeah, guy tried to use macro out of combat. one post later guy told him to do that in combat. ofc macro fails. 10/10 proff xD Read this. Currently in the live realms, you are able to switch equipment, including librams, during casting. The 2.4.3 changes mean that if you do switch things during cast...
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:36
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
second - you obviously can't read your own link, i even pointed you where exactly you should look. switching relic before spell in combat triggers gcd and you can't cast spell during that gcd. confirmed by your own link. thx for it btw, one more proof that it was workin only on bad private servers ...
- 25 Apr 2016, 00:12
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
i'm pretty sure you couldn't switch items in cast So that has been your reasoning thus far even when confronted with the evidence. Even when i link threads to discussion dealing with this exact problem. but there was a bug that allowed you to change item before cast (exactly what was fixed). pretty...
- 24 Apr 2016, 23:33
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Props for the total strawman for bringing well-represented Rogues and Warlocks into this... stay classy. Don't bother arguing with him. He has already proved he is unwilling to argue the evidence - which I've just proven he is wrong about. Expect more jeers and taunts, and maybe we can get some rea...
- 24 Apr 2016, 23:26
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
- Replies: 58
- Views: 23664
Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
oh, oh, almost forgot! pls also bring drain life and siphon life from 2.2.3 patch (the one that was unaffected by mortal strike and any other healing decreasing effects but was affected by fel armor). It's impossible to argue with you, because you immediately turn to infantile smears to try and pro...