Search found 9 matches

by Spotlight
16 Sep 2013, 09:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Is this bannable?
Replies: 22
Views: 6682

Re: Is this bannable?

No, it isn't bannable. But there's a solution, even if nobody does it. Do not res. Would be an interesting sight if everyone on a team just chose to not res, would be very interesting indeed. I wonder how long it would take until boredom sets in and the enemy disperses, I'm sure you wouldn't get ri...
by Spotlight
10 Feb 2013, 18:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What means your name ?
Replies: 44
Views: 14529

Re: What means your name ?

Spotlight - Self explanatory, I'm a fame whore Neon - I wanted people to be able to recognize me easily regardless of what toon I was playing on back in my VCN days so I used Neon like an adjective and put it in front of nouns to make names like Neontides or Neonstag. NeonSpotlight - A combination o...
by Spotlight
20 Aug 2012, 13:19
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: I was bored...
Replies: 3
Views: 2160

I was bored...

I'm surprised this sort of stuff doesn't happen often....
by Spotlight
20 Aug 2012, 13:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So... How about that Katarina relaunch? [LoL]
Replies: 36
Views: 9838

Re: So... How about that Katarina relaunch? [LoL]

Bunch o' nerds up in this thread
by Spotlight
13 Aug 2012, 02:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Guild Wars 2
Replies: 11
Views: 3826

Re: Guild Wars 2

I am~
It'll be my vacation away from LoL
by Spotlight
12 Aug 2012, 23:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So... How about that Katarina relaunch? [LoL]
Replies: 36
Views: 9838

Re: So... How about that Katarina relaunch? [LoL]

I don't even know what a league of legends is D=
by Spotlight
11 Aug 2012, 04:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 41
Views: 12944

Re: Hi everyone!

Mynce wrote:im suprised so many ppl from vcn still play tbc.
I would never, I had enough of it back when VCN was still up.
by Spotlight
10 Aug 2012, 06:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 41
Views: 12944

Re: Hi everyone!

Teflon420 wrote:
Amgseret wrote:Nigga youre tarded, its not Neon.
Nah, who told him about SF? I thought he didn't have like MSN or skype or anything
I saw it linked in a thread on that old vcn forum which I found because I google image searched NeonSpotlight VCN looking for my niggadin and found an old avatar of mine.
by Spotlight
09 Aug 2012, 01:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 41
Views: 12944

Re: Hi everyone!

Oceans wrote:This is a VCN take over.
What is VCN?