Search found 27 matches

by immacutchu
12 Nov 2013, 02:06
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Now restoring codes for deleted donor accounts
Replies: 13
Views: 9053

Re: Now restoring codes for deleted donor accounts

Nice! Lets expand this community back to its original numbers!
by immacutchu
29 Sep 2013, 15:21
Forum: Rogue
Topic: Discipline Priests...
Replies: 9
Views: 9403

Re: Discipline Priests...

I would also like to know what bugs mut specifically has.
by immacutchu
14 May 2013, 00:12
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: SmolderForge Vanilla????
Replies: 40
Views: 15960

Re: SmolderForge Vanilla????

Good to see some die-hards want vanilla back. Now we just need 300 more people to feel the same and as henhouse said a completely bug free core to descend from the heavens.
by immacutchu
13 May 2013, 21:45
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: SmolderForge Vanilla????
Replies: 40
Views: 15960

Re: SmolderForge Vanilla????

Big question is will go the same as the wrath attempt?

How much in server costs, hardware upgrades, etc will they need to acquire.

I'd say we need a MASSIVE donation in order to get a moderately functioning Vanilla server up; just my .02
by immacutchu
11 May 2013, 01:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Location of the neutral Dueling zone
Replies: 83
Views: 23810

Re: Location of the neutral Deuling zone

My vote is SS/HB for nostalgia
by immacutchu
18 Apr 2013, 11:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Ultimate Rogue UI
Replies: 22
Views: 8811

Re: Ultimate Rogue UI

Well after much consideration I've decided to give up the search :p

Like I said; I used to use this back in the day and I never realized how bad it was until this very generous and polite display of expert ui knowledge!

Thanks :)
by immacutchu
17 Apr 2013, 15:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Ultimate Rogue UI
Replies: 22
Views: 8811

Ultimate Rogue UI

I used to have this UI wayyyyy back in the day and I was wondering if anyone else used it or even heard of it. It's called Ultimate Rogue UI and was set up as a full Interface replacement including WTF folder. Those links are obviously dead an...
by immacutchu
17 Apr 2013, 05:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 2.4.3 Addons
Replies: 80
Views: 57290

Re: 2.4.3 Addons

I know this thread is probably never looked at anymore but does anyone know where i can find a working (downloadable) version of this? I remember it was released by a guy in SK gaming way back in 2.4.3 and i used to have it on a flash drive. I...
by immacutchu
07 Apr 2013, 04:17
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: 200 Pictures - (WoW Alpha)
Replies: 4
Views: 3229

Re: 200 Pictures - (WoW Alpha)

Very cool. I had a friend (way back in high school) that played the alpha. Hated it and said it would never catch on. Boy was he wrong. Went through every photo. Great find! Thank you!
by immacutchu
29 Mar 2013, 20:32
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: What do you look like?
Replies: 28
Views: 11144

Re: What do you look like?

