Search found 36 matches

by Felixx
28 Jul 2012, 11:32
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Firstaidkit is cheat!
Replies: 16
Views: 6495

Re: Firstaidkit is cheat!

It's threads like this that the <Passion> people try to tell me is "solid proof" to ban Firstaidkit and that I favor the Horde over Alliance. Le sigh. not trying to get anyone banned, i said im only messing.. we was melee'ing each other for ages not using any spells or owt then he used sp...
by Felixx
26 Jul 2012, 23:24
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Firstaidkit is cheat!
Replies: 16
Views: 6495

Firstaidkit is cheat!

Btw am only messing before anyone starts,,
i was winning this duel ;) until he cheated!
by Felixx
26 Jul 2012, 21:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Queu Random Battlegrounds
Replies: 18
Views: 5550

Re: Queu Random Battlegrounds

P.s: there was no bg's in 3days ;) Which is a normal outcome of the decisions that were made. Another problem is that if there are like 4-5 wrath in X team and 1-2 or 0 in team Y..and team Y gets gy farmed/raped/necrolagnia, you think that players from the Y team would want to r...
by Felixx
26 Jul 2012, 16:28
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: New Trainer Now Available!
Replies: 2
Views: 1604

New Trainer Now Available!

by Felixx
24 Jul 2012, 19:40
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Player Numbers
Replies: 7
Views: 3194

Re: Player Numbers

Cant horde/alliance in guilds can yu? alliance seem to have all the good guilds going, horde have nowt resally, id create one but no-one would sign charter!
by Felixx
23 Jul 2012, 17:43
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Beware Henhouse..
Replies: 9
Views: 3383

Re: Beware Henhouse..

Oh sure, pick on the guy who's name starts with an R huh? I see through you.. You just don't like R's because they stand for rock, and rock beats paper, and if you put paper up to a light you can see through it, and if you look THROUGH the SEA you will find turtles, and turtles lay their eggs on la...
by Felixx
23 Jul 2012, 16:54
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Beware Henhouse..
Replies: 9
Views: 3383

Re: Beware Henhouse..

Vanilla wrote:
Felixx wrote:We are coming for you!!
should have ss'ed me riding on the bike xD. It's crazy. ^^
lmao yeah should, was quite fun those bikes! Oil & run!
by Felixx
23 Jul 2012, 00:16
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Beware Henhouse..
Replies: 9
Views: 3383

Beware Henhouse..

We are coming for you!!
by Felixx
21 Jul 2012, 15:07
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: GY farming
Replies: 30
Views: 10934

Re: GY farming

People arent learning!
by Felixx
21 Jul 2012, 13:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Outside Wow.
Replies: 19
Views: 8377

Re: Outside Wow.

Nevermind lemonade crack open a can of beer!!