Search found 54 matches

by Kaloyo
16 Feb 2016, 17:36
Topic: Lost account
Replies: 2
Views: 1359

Re: Lost account

sent, thanks.
by Kaloyo
16 Feb 2016, 16:58
Topic: Lost account
Replies: 2
Views: 1359

Re: Lost account

Hello, I've been a member here a long time but I have forgotten the password to one of my accounts. I have a few emails in mind but I'm not sure which one it is and I've tried the forgotten password on the main site but it hasn't helped.
I can provide any information as best as possible.

by Kaloyo
19 Oct 2012, 12:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
Replies: 142
Views: 46450

Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

3k ap rogue with warglaives. nbd.
by Kaloyo
18 Oct 2012, 14:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: HH mount
Replies: 46
Views: 14294

Re: HH mount

sup teoth.

by Kaloyo
18 Oct 2012, 07:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: HH mount
Replies: 46
Views: 14294

Re: HH mount

Firstaidkit wrote:Not just bad he is the worst and nobody likes him but Deems :o. Maybe he tries to hard.
what's wrong with Cube?
his posts are funny.
by Kaloyo
17 Oct 2012, 21:56
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: cannot login
Replies: 6
Views: 3906

Re: cannot login

same nerfsap from KG? its mad here if so.

try this: cut your realmlist, paste it to your desktop. change the realmlist, save it and put it back in your wow folder.
by Kaloyo
26 Aug 2012, 02:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hyjal GY camping
Replies: 50
Views: 15593

Re: Hyjal GY camping

I like this

by Kaloyo
25 Aug 2012, 01:18
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY
Replies: 31
Views: 11339

Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Cube wrote:Wouldn't help. Usually there's 5-10 people online, which most of the time doesn't even fill one WSG team.
That's true but couldn't the staff lower the player cap of 5 players each side to say 3 ?
by Kaloyo
24 Aug 2012, 18:30
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY
Replies: 31
Views: 11339

Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

This idea is actually good, +1 from me. I just downloaded 3.5.5 to play WOTLK with some buddies and we want a server to fuck around on and have some fun. I remembered SF having a WOTLK but is it worth it? I've seen so far that barely 40 people go on :/ Maybe we can get a promotional video going or s...
by Kaloyo
18 Jul 2012, 03:55
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Wrath Gurubashi Cheater
Replies: 9
Views: 4533

Re: Wrath Gurubashi Cheater

i find that hard to believe with your name as wellz.