Search found 2 matches
- 09 Jul 2012, 13:05
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
- Replies: 140
- Views: 66245
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What are your characters' names in-game: -Bellzatrix: Shadow Priest (MS); Disciple Priest (OS) -Bellzatrixz: Restoration Druid (MS); Balance Druid (OS) -Bellzatrixx: Subtlety Rogue -Bellzatrixs: Restoration Shaman (MS); Elemental Shaman (OS) How old are you: -I'm currently 17, born in 1995. What co...
- 18 Jun 2012, 14:24
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: donor food for boj
- Replies: 44
- Views: 13206
Re: donor food for boj
Can donors please stop acting like brats? So what if you have to double your drinking time? Grow up, stop nagging and play the game like it's supposed to be. Stop acting like it is game breaking to make the donor food cost BoJ. Funny how suddenly people can't play caster anymore if donor food costs ...