Search found 30 matches

by Fleepz
22 Apr 2015, 21:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: MB'ing
Replies: 3
Views: 1820


Heya, It's been 3-4 years since I last played here, checked out the server briefly a year ago but didn't really play ever since. How's it looking nowadays in terms of population? Are there still PvP zones and are they used actively? Is PvP still dominated by rogue, locks, restodruids and warriors? A...
by Fleepz
20 Aug 2012, 21:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing
Replies: 52
Views: 20577

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

I would say it like this: There are only a small amount of people who know/are or have been multiboxers which means just a small amount of people will support it. However there's a big amount of players that have no idea about it and because when multiboxing would be banned they have 1 danger less t...
by Fleepz
20 Aug 2012, 20:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 40 Chars Multiboxing Livestream
Replies: 11
Views: 4595

Re: 40 Chars Multiboxing Livestream

Stream is up. He owns Stormwind lolz.
by Fleepz
19 Aug 2012, 23:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 40 Chars Multiboxing Livestream
Replies: 11
Views: 4595

40 Chars Multiboxing Livestream

Just leaving this here for the people that QQ about me quadboxing lolz

by Fleepz
09 Jul 2012, 05:58
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: update here screenshots of crits and damage done : ))
Replies: 30
Views: 11013

Re: update here screenshots of crits and damage done : ))

Did 16k soulfire here on SF.Legit.Not even 1 PvE item except trinket.Full PvP so to say.

Will do it again in order to upload a screen

but i can also add a 45k soulfire on wrath was also by me (:
by Fleepz
06 Jun 2012, 22:25
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Normal Frost Mage PvP
Replies: 13
Views: 5299

Re: Normal Frost Mage PvP

Liked it alot especially because editing since i couldn't even do basic things with windows movie maker in my hunter video. Only negative things i know would be: No Self vs Self anymore it's a good song but as of now i know like 14 different pvp movies having this song it's really overused Pick othe...
by Fleepz
29 May 2012, 01:30
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Replies: 4
Views: 2582

Re: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)

Quality isn't very good but alot better when i compare it with proxtube and the ssyoutube thingie
by Fleepz
22 Apr 2012, 18:32
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Forbidden Multiboxer in EOTS
Replies: 6
Views: 2546

Re: Forbidden Multiboxer in EOTS

Mayore wrote:it is not forbidden


Multiboxing is still allowed of course it will not be allowed anymore soon but the poll is still open and it's STILL being discussed so multiboxing is also still allowed
by Fleepz
21 Apr 2012, 15:17
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Replies: 4
Views: 2582

Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)

Hey i just wanted to share the movie i did with my hunter playing in melee combat.All players in this video are very good i'd say and i made more then just these duels you see in the video of course.Won and lost more against these people.Don't judge them for anything please. Also don't judge me for ...