Search found 3 matches
- 07 Mar 2012, 16:18
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Gift of the Naaru
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3389
Re: Gift of the Naaru
It did, 100% are correct, Wrath just added AP scaling. Yup, Draenei Warriors were seriously missing a viable racial until this change in wotlk. Nevertheless it's still a good none-rngbased racial for any Draenei healer in tbc, since you can also try to avoid inline counter in your holy/nature tree ...
- 06 Mar 2012, 21:42
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Gift of the Naaru
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3389
Gift of the Naaru
Hi, Gift of the Naaru still doesn't scale properly with 100% of the actual addheal/spelldamage. It's like the most useless thing right now, so i think everyone would very much appreciate a fix as soon as possible. Also every Draenei Shamy/Pally surely desires his "Renew" to work correctly,...
- 13 Feb 2012, 17:21
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Paladin Bugs - Report here
- Replies: 41
- Views: 41062
Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here
Hi, the Tier6 two pieces prot pally set bonus seems actually bugged to me, since it increases the mana gained by Spiritual Attunement only for 1%, instead of the correct 10% [That's what the tooltip in the spellbook ingame is saying at least]. It also feels like missing those additional 10% mana gai...