Like Imperium said. It is possible, of course not, if you are in combat, but in a duel it's of course possible..
Mage freezes and runs back to Liron, for example. Basically you can do it with every class
Search found 11 matches
- 09 May 2012, 11:09
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Smolderforge nonsenses
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7477
- 08 May 2012, 21:40
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
- Replies: 140
- Views: 66277
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: Minze, Flashqt, Tahrá How old are you: 18 What country do you currently live in: Germany Other languages fluent in besides English: German, and learnin' french currently If so, how well: French: absolute beginner level - German: First language Have you ever...
- 08 May 2012, 12:57
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Smolderforge nonsenses
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7477
Re: Smolderforge nonsenses
Doesn not work against druids, rogues and of course against mounts... It's just annoying.. I'd say it destroys a bit the PvP or 1n1 when a rogue uses all of his CDs just in one duel.. That has nothing to do with 'skilled' or something. The players aren't able to play without or just with one 'pair' ...
- 08 May 2012, 11:14
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Smolderforge nonsenses
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7477
Re: Smolderforge nonsenses
Another nonsense is Liron. Not Liron himeself, but his abilities. Just delete the function of resetting your cooldowns. It's the most annoying thing ever. You might ask 'why'.. In every duel (I make the example for rogues now) they simply blow out all there CDs and not thinking abou it cuz they just...
- 05 May 2012, 11:24
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: PvE on Smolderforge
- Replies: 32
- Views: 11288
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
Mr. Imperium, there isn't much content arround it. We already did ZA 6/6, Gruul 2/2, Maghteridon 1/1, SSC 6/6, TK 2/4, Hyial 5/5, BT 4/9 and the Doomwalker 1/1 ;) You see, that just TK and BT are missing. But nevermind. Hold on with SwP. You don't need to hurry up with it. Have a nice day and love t...
- 01 May 2012, 14:00
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Hunter/Enhancer T6,5
- Replies: 0
- Views: 886
Hunter/Enhancer T6,5
Hey SF-Team. Haven't found anything with the search-function, so I opened this topic. Why isn't there any Sunwell-gear for hunters/enhancers (except the legs and the shoulders) in the donor-vendor? Also there are much other things missing. Are they kinda bugged or did you just forgot them and noone ...
- 26 Apr 2012, 14:44
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: PvE on Smolderforge
- Replies: 32
- Views: 11288
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
and we were in swp (at brut) But.. we were : \ Of course a KJ would be too hard but it's worth a try. It's always worth a try and it's important to say 'we can try' and not like you 'you would never make it'. More and more PvE-Players are here, like I said. And everyone will approve this. When I'm ...
- 26 Apr 2012, 08:57
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: PvE on Smolderforge
- Replies: 32
- Views: 11288
PvE on Smolderforge
Dear GMs, dear Henhouse, as a server on which is basically played PvP they are a few (in my opinion I'd say MUCH) players who like to play a bit PvE too. They are much guilds which are specialized for PvE, like MYTH or diverse guilds with the tag 'PvE' in it. Would you please do anything. I know you...
- 08 Feb 2012, 10:13
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Donation Request
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2776
Re: Donation Request
I can't imagine why. I mean. You can donate for a legendary bow for 12$ too. So, as a fair compensation to melees, you should be able to buy that glaives too.
That's my opinion.
That's my opinion.
- 08 Feb 2012, 09:53
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Donation Request
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2776
Re: Donation Request
Thanks, I already know. I'm also donor ;)
But I'm interested in some 'special' things, for example the glaives of azzinoth or the black quiraji resonanting crystal