Search found 2 matches
- 11 Jan 2012, 00:32
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG
- Replies: 83
- Views: 23605
Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG
Is this the spot to post penis size? When full on, I'm a good 3 inches, and from the sound of this forum, that's gotta be in the top 1%!!!
- 14 Dec 2011, 05:30
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Rogue Bugs - Report here
- Replies: 84
- Views: 63677
Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed an issue with stealth detection on Alliance rogues vs. Horde rogues. On my Horde toon I can see other rogues with out much problem at all, on my Alliance rogue I can barely see them when I'm standing on top of them (not quite that bad, but nowhere near the d...