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by Exsurgo
25 Apr 2016, 00:15
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Replies: 58
Views: 23636

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

I was more referring to the change to Adrenalin rush and Hemo changes you mentioned. Cheat death was a bug and Siphon Life/Drain life was more of an unintended game mechanic imo. In the end of the day I was asked to say my piece by an old Smolderforge buddy - so I have chipped in with my opinion in ...
by Exsurgo
24 Apr 2016, 23:51
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Replies: 58
Views: 23636

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Paniz wrote:we're not changing spells, we're changing "patches". exactly what you ask for.
Can't change a patch without both a client side modification and a server side one. Changing item/libram swapping mechanic is one line of code. Totally nonequivalent.
by Exsurgo
24 Apr 2016, 23:28
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Replies: 58
Views: 23636

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Don't really see the point of relevance of your analogy with changing spells. Reverting back an item mechanic change one or two patches is not comparable to editing both the server core and client side files to change the mechanics of spells. Props for the total strawman for bringing well-represente...
by Exsurgo
24 Apr 2016, 22:37
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Replies: 58
Views: 23636

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

It always did trigger a 1.5s GCD, nobody would try to refute that - the point was you swapped a weapon at the same time as casting a spell and the additional GCD would be masked by your spell/ability GCD. I do believe there was a short period between Vanilla and TBC when weapon swapping was nerfed. ...
by Exsurgo
24 Apr 2016, 22:18
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping
Replies: 58
Views: 23636

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

I actually got a private request (lol) asking me to weigh in on this issue – partly I guess because way back before I did any development for Smolderforge I was a community member/player who defended of Libram/Weapon swapping when Hufsa originally removed it from the game. Honestly I donâ€...
by Exsurgo
06 Oct 2014, 01:05
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Mage Haste Rating
Replies: 8
Views: 3988

Re: Mage Haste Rating

Np. Have a good evening :)
by Exsurgo
06 Oct 2014, 00:46
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Mage Haste Rating
Replies: 8
Views: 3988

Re: Mage Haste Rating

I can talk you through the formulas if it helps. Assuming Improved Frostbolt, which has a base 2.5s cast time. First to get your spell haste percentage plug values into formula 1: Spell Haste % = (Total Spell Haste Rating / 15.7) / 100 which in our case gives us: (243/15.7)/100 = 0.1547 which is rou...
by Exsurgo
06 Oct 2014, 00:40
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Mage Haste Rating
Replies: 8
Views: 3988

Re: Mage Haste Rating

With ~ 243 haste rating, and 5 points in improved frostbolt, your frostbolt cast should be ~2.16 seconds. Pretty sure the issue here is the Quartz casting bar you are using is not that precise with it's readings.
by Exsurgo
06 Oct 2014, 00:29
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Mage Haste Rating
Replies: 8
Views: 3988

Re: Mage Haste Rating

I do believe this is due to Quartz not being super accurate while reporting cast times (it does a bit of rounding). I tested with your two haste values using pyroblast and the difference according to quartz was 5.0 vs 5.1. Note I did test multiple spells with a stopwatch and the values seem to match...
by Exsurgo
22 Sep 2014, 20:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players
Replies: 36
Views: 13051

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

^ Sadly this. I really really wanted to see the return of rated 3v3, but doing so would have required the disabling of 2v2 at certain times. This was a decision that a lot of people were not comfortable with.

I think the bracket is probably best used for tournaments and events.