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- 26 Jul 2014, 20:11
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: looking for old peepz
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5622
Re: looking for old peepz
Yo we here ;), (mimic), but ye. Iunno, Ezatt's back online as i we can still form the band of niggers and start rallying/ teaching guys some small tips in PVP. Well We can get the old group back, if possible i mean i dunno what the Volt's doing..Ill just PM him on FB add my Skyapple : ...
- 25 Jul 2014, 14:43
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: looking for old peepz
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5622
Re: looking for old peepz
Mynce wrote:uh-oh
Uh-oh to you mr...and we must remake the ninja dinosaurs >.>
- 25 Jul 2014, 04:28
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: looking for old peepz
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5622
Re: looking for old peepz
i need a mimicturd, Because i think he still has some deets of mine i need :L when you next gona be on, because im on HampSTAR right now :3
- 25 Jul 2014, 03:57
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: looking for old peepz
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5622
Re: looking for old peepz
Vicarious wrote:Look who it is! Cool guild name
- 25 Jul 2014, 03:03
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: looking for old peepz
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5622
looking for old peepz
looking for old people i used to play with..theres one in particular whos name escapes me so can you PM me...because i miss Rommanth, and Obaris.
- 22 Jan 2013, 13:36
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Rod of the sun king and Mongoose
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3001
Re: Rod of the sun king and Mongoose
Mongoose is fine. Actually I think it's proc rate is on the generous side. The proc on Rod of the Sun King is amazing. ~6 to 8 procs per minute returning 10 energy each time. So that is working out at up to 1.5 energy a second. 1.5 Energy regeneration per second is incredible, overpowered even. If ...
- 09 Jan 2013, 18:06
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Priority above others.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3008
Re: Priority above others.
One problem, Dual wield is not fucked I should know its all i rock in pvp and pve, I have 20% hit in pve gear (with talents) and i have 7% miss chance, acceptable and 100% garenteed to happen on a L73 boss mob. now with pvp, 5% hit Vrs level 70 target dummy auto attacking you should have 19% miss ch...
- 08 Jan 2013, 11:07
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: can we have lfg monitored
- Replies: 25
- Views: 7439
Re: can we have lfg monitored
just split the chats, Not sure if that stops H+A grouping, but yeah...and its not just world chat...
- 01 Jan 2013, 16:50
- Forum: Rogue
- Topic: Combat or Mutilate ?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12459
Re: Combat or Mutilate ? Almost standard pve build, with the 4pt in sub for Stealth, the damage out put is insane esp with Sword spec, you could go what ever you wanted tbh but i prefer swords as the proc is meaty another 700 MH swing don't mi...
- 31 Dec 2012, 21:20
- Forum: Rogue
- Topic: Combat or Mutilate ?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12459
Re: Combat or Mutilate ?
Combat for pvp, Only reason i ever did that on retail was lack of gold or i was just too fucking cheap to respec Sub, but if you want to go Wombat, then id just use the standard pve spec for the insane Energy regen while they are stunned and don't forget Blade flurry and the other one.