Search found 5 matches

by Kassrt
24 Oct 2011, 22:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Donor Tag
Replies: 27
Views: 11019

Re: Donor Tag

Would love a donor tag myself. Donated on my Paladin Healer- Brille.
by Kassrt
24 Oct 2011, 22:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Universal music thread!
Replies: 430
Views: 134870

Re: Universal music thread!

Coldplay will always be the #1 band in my heart! Favorite songs is ofc : What If - Don't Panic - A Rush of Blood to the Head - X&Y -
by Kassrt
24 Oct 2011, 19:44
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Shaman Bugs - Report here
Replies: 37
Views: 34630

Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Happy to report a bug, so it might be fixed!
Elemental Mastery isn't working properly. You are not granted 100% crit chance upon casting this spell.

by Kassrt
20 Oct 2011, 09:31
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Not sure wether a bug or not
Replies: 2
Views: 1436

Re: Not sure wether a bug or not

Henhouse wrote:Working as intended. These tabards are only obtainable through playing Alterac Valley.
Darn it... Was hoping to get the alliance AV (Stormpike Guards Tabard). Thanks for the reply!
by Kassrt
19 Oct 2011, 19:22
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Not sure wether a bug or not
Replies: 2
Views: 1436

Not sure wether a bug or not

Hello, Brille here. I have donated some time ago, something like 7 or 6 months ago, but didn't notice this little "problem" untill now. There is no tabard for Frostwing Clan, nor for Stormpike Guards in the donator Mall. I know this is something you have to purchase for marks and such, but...