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- 11 Oct 2011, 15:59
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
Well considering we once had full S3 requiring rating, then changed it to be only weapons, then after a year or so eventually made it full honor-bought. I'd say our reasons for doing that were probably because we noticed they were simply not working or actually promoting arena at all. In fact, they...
- 11 Oct 2011, 09:06
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
and arena is PVE or RolePlayin? I wrote about this, just read.Akatosh wrote:You should get pvp gear from pvping. Battlegrounds is pvp
So it means that there s no chance so for my idea to provided on the server?Henhouse wrote:We still get tickets from wiping Sunwell shoulders and weapons from early June. So... yeah.
- 10 Oct 2011, 22:44
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
yea but the fact that u need a majore gear wipe would be killing the server alot of people dont want to farm the gear for a 2nd time and if they cant get it trough bg's then no one would play that so in otherwords this wil become a arena server. this is a sensitive subject because in either way no ...
- 10 Oct 2011, 22:00
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
for 1 simple reason, everyone who already has s3 is gonna be like OMG GIEF MAH S3 BACK . Can u imagine the loads of tickets gm's wil have? as i sad, it will be nice if there will be no s3 returning. It s a radical way to solve the problem, but S3 will be reachable in arena. People must to earn for ...
- 10 Oct 2011, 20:28
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
guys, tell why are you so pessimistic about this?I really dont see it ever being done though sadly :(
- 10 Oct 2011, 20:14
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
Small rating requirements for s3 isn't a bad idea. It will never happen. Ofc, if there will be only two people who want it. But it depends of administration. I think the s3 requirment will bring HARDCORE to this server. Even making s3 for arenapoints, not for honor will make the game better. Now it...
- 10 Oct 2011, 20:08
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
Re: arena battlegroup
yeah, and there also will be a problem with people who already got S3 gear. I think there are resolution of the problem, like wipe or annuling of all itemns and returning only S4 gears to donators or people who earned it ( these must also include Sunweel Plateu items and T6) I think there are many w...
- 10 Oct 2011, 19:24
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: arena battlegroup
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8852
arena battlegroup
Oh hai to everyone. I played this server nearly 3 weaks and i like it, but arena battle group is very bad. I decided to watch how many people were playing arena at the moment... and the number was 18 people when online was 335 people, lol. That s not good for me and for people who like arena. Ofc i ...