Search found 14 matches
- 26 Jan 2012, 15:01
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Like a bawss!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2168
Re: Like a bawss!
SSing like a Baws!
- 24 Dec 2011, 10:30
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Abuseadin!
- Replies: 28
- Views: 9928
Re: Abuseadin!
Xaru teh slackah :P i've been using my burst macro forever now and it never failed xD the only problem is for whatever reason holy shock would fire before divine favor but thats 1 in 50 chance orso xD you can have my macro if you want :P #showtooltip Holy Shock /cast Avenging Wrath /use Hex Shrunken...
- 11 Dec 2011, 22:54
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Message to GM's / Henhouse
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5521
Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse
Lol... set up a raiding guild i got exalted with Ashtongue Deathsworn by hardcore raiding every evening when EXTRA CURRICULAR was running as off-tank... And with the increasing population and people having nothing to do but PvP, isn't it likely that some new players would like PvE? I mean lately i h...
- 09 Dec 2011, 19:06
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Fishing Daily's/Pools
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1406
Fishing Daily's/Pools
There are no pools in which we can fish i know u can buy reagents from the Innkeeper from at shattered sun but some people want Mr.Pinchy, and the fishing daily bags are empty 3 times in a row xcept for the gold. Edit: Nukah did the fishing daily today and got a rusted lock sharpened hook and the go...
- 09 Dec 2011, 18:56
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5397
Re: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
I also play on relive w0w where where i run in lv 70 blues with people pulling just over 1k dps and i got 200-300 spell dmg at most and i keep aggro just fine, and njust to be clear Relive w0w is 10x retail then it is here in terms of balancing spells etc. Edit: Why am I even discussing this lol thi...
- 09 Dec 2011, 17:37
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5397
Re: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
Like it matters... who does PvE on this server outside of ZA and MGT and the only pala i saw pvping with prot spec is Pallyofhell and if u remove spell scaling on blessing sanc the aggro will be even more nurfed im already running 700-800 spell dmg for instances just to keep threat
- 09 Dec 2011, 08:23
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5397
Re: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
trying to find a way to solo the hyjal spirit healer :P i can do it on my rogue with 2 shamans mulltiboxing but that aint solo xD.
- 09 Dec 2011, 00:47
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5397
Solo Gul'ren... pretty boring tho
My first vid ever xD this is mostly raw i made this vid in about 1 hour and tips on how to make it any brighter is very appreciated >.< its nearly unedited since i got 0 skills with that gotta figure out how everything works but thought lets upload the raw version anyway.
- 08 Dec 2011, 11:20
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Shadow form bug
- Replies: 12
- Views: 4935
Re: Shadow form bug
It Also happens on a Hunters Feign Death
- 08 Dec 2011, 11:09
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: Ezatt comic.
- Replies: 33
- Views: 11695
Re: Ezatt comic.
looks like you followed my advice and looked up Alamo xD same way of writing very good comic :D
- Gaol
- Gaol