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by Darkgroom
11 Dec 2012, 10:49
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work
Replies: 28
Views: 8799

Re: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work

Greetings, I just wanted to say that, Not really anything to do with your post except that you were talking about fixes of items that noone actually use, still it is bugged so it needs to be fixed. Then I kind of just started writing other things which were not related to your post. I quoted instead...
by Darkgroom
11 Dec 2012, 09:18
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work
Replies: 28
Views: 8799

Re: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work

he replied with a really respectful way... " you go fix it , oh wait its not that easy" what does that supposed to mean ? and i never spammed the topic or anything , i just wanted to see a replay that gives me hope that this item is going to be fixed , i am not a dumbass he deserved that ...
by Darkgroom
10 Dec 2012, 12:12
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work
Replies: 28
Views: 8799

Re: [Skull of Impending Doom] doesn't work

I will have a look into this when I get back.
This will be somewhere in January.


by Darkgroom
27 Nov 2012, 09:29
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Windfury Weapon bugged
Replies: 16
Views: 5705

Re: Windfury Weapon bugged

Greetings, I used to develop here back in 2011 but due to my study I had no time to develop here. This year I will complete highschool, I do a study of 3 years in 2 years now. Here is the topic I made when I became a developer here: Sin...
by Darkgroom
26 Nov 2012, 14:31
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Windfury Weapon bugged
Replies: 16
Views: 5705

Re: Windfury Weapon bugged

The procsystem has always been a problem on smolderforge and a lot of other servers. When I was actively developing here I started working on a new procsystem which was divided into seperate sections of procs, Melee, Damage etc all handled in a different system. I am in internship now and have a lot...
by Darkgroom
15 Aug 2012, 14:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: warlock's pet
Replies: 38
Views: 11088

Re: warlock's pet

I know, When the pet is removed / deleted (dismissed) by another spell or by the owner the resummon on ressurect will not sumon a pet back.
Only when the player dies and has a pet alive upon dead.
by Darkgroom
15 Aug 2012, 09:17
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Bug reports cleanup
Replies: 0
Views: 1076

Bug reports cleanup

Dear Smolderforge players, It has been a long time since I have been busy with bug fixing. A lot of bug reports are old and may already be fixed. For that reason I will clean up the bug reports in the upcoming week. I will also create seperated threads for TBC / WOTLK bug reports. When I am done wit...
by Darkgroom
15 Aug 2012, 09:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: warlock's pet
Replies: 38
Views: 11088

Re: warlock's pet

I have been busy with this last night, It is almost done but I will have to do some tests in the battlegrounds. However my NPCs just decided to no longer give me a I would like to join the battleground option :). Got to fix that first tonight, then I will test and if it works commit it, but it will ...
by Darkgroom
09 Aug 2012, 00:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: warlock's pet
Replies: 38
Views: 11088

Re: warlock's pet

Yea but this is not only for warlocks also for hunter pets so I will take a look at it.
by Darkgroom
08 Aug 2012, 15:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: warlock's pet
Replies: 38
Views: 11088

Re: warlock's pet

I am sorry, I just got back at smolderforge and I do not remember a lot of posts I have viewed.
Will be looked at and implemented.