Search found 11 matches

by Hmzz
19 Aug 2013, 08:43
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Pls remove Free Action Potion
Replies: 170
Views: 49272

Re: Pls remove Free Action Potion

I don't think removing the materials or making them unique is the right way to go about it. Just increase its cooldown to 15-30 minutes so people can't use them more than once a battleground. That way you can reset your cooldowns after the bg is over, without going through the hassle of crafting a n...
by Hmzz
17 Jan 2013, 20:51
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: SWP Vendor: Item Suggestions
Replies: 45
Views: 14017

Re: SWP Vendor: Item Suggestions

1. Remove SWP weapons from the vendor and make them donate-only (and SC when it opens of course). 2. Add all SWP weapons to the vendor but every one will be 40k or more honor. Prices rise, but you get more items. I vote for 1. You'll generally only see melee damage classes voting for 2, since they ...
by Hmzz
06 Jan 2013, 20:25
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Removing the deserter debuff
Replies: 17
Views: 5558

Re: Removing the deserter debuff

Well, then reduce it at least. Like the others wrote, 5 minutes, or even a little less.
by Hmzz
06 Jan 2013, 19:01
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Removing the deserter debuff
Replies: 17
Views: 5558

Re: Removing the deserter debuff

Hi :O
by Hmzz
06 Jan 2013, 18:48
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Removing the deserter debuff
Replies: 17
Views: 5558

Removing the deserter debuff

Frankly, I'm getting really tired of facing premade groups all day. In my opinion, it's boring and a waste of time for everyone. Why not give players the option to leave the battleground without any penalties? That is all.
by Hmzz
06 May 2012, 22:14
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: NPC for battleground rotations
Replies: 3
Views: 1701

Re: NPC for battleground rotations

Yeah, I'm aware of that. The thing is, nobody ever checks the forums. So why not just add a NPC with the schedule? Shouldn't be too difficult.
by Hmzz
06 May 2012, 15:45
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: NPC for battleground rotations
Replies: 3
Views: 1701

NPC for battleground rotations

In my opinion, there should be a NPC that lists all the battleground rotations, preferably standing right next to the battlemaster(s).

by Hmzz
28 Aug 2011, 20:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Poll: Change to AV Times / Removal
Replies: 21
Views: 8298

Re: Poll: Change to AV Times / Removal

Thanks Henhouse. I'm glad we have such an understanding and cooperative admin. :)
by Hmzz
21 Aug 2011, 16:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Too much Alterac Valley
Replies: 12
Views: 5037

Re: Too much Alterac Valley

That would be great. Also, as mentioned in the other thread, ever since AV was introduced, people are having extreme lags. So that would be one more reason to get rid of at least one AV rotation.
by Hmzz
20 Aug 2011, 23:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Too much Alterac Valley
Replies: 12
Views: 5037

Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Mynce wrote: second , the cycle youre posting is absurd , henhouse posted the cycle's in the general section
No, it's not. I witnessed it with my own eyes. Maybe it was changed.