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by Bleu213
16 Nov 2011, 21:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)
Replies: 127
Views: 47404

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

I understand when there is a detriment to the server. Then again, I wonder what the difference between 20 multiboxers and 20 regular players is, but eh. Perhaps a compromise for those that enjoy multiboxing. Maximum amount of characters, 3 or 5, but allowed everywhere. If we bar it from the bg's, ra...
by Bleu213
09 Nov 2011, 01:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 5 Reasons You Should Love TBC
Replies: 4
Views: 2507

5 Reasons You Should Love TBC ... #c35012109

A well written article. Kinda makes me wanna take down Illidan again. ;)
by Bleu213
22 Oct 2011, 00:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Blizzcon Info!
Replies: 1
Views: 1243

Re: Blizzcon Info!

Let's make a thread solely about Info from this years Blizzcon. I'll start: SC2: Heart of the Swarm trailer: Diablo 3 Trailer: Mists of Pandaria Trailer :
by Bleu213
22 Oct 2011, 00:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Blizzcon Info!
Replies: 1
Views: 1243

Blizzcon Info!

Let's make a thread solely about Info from this years Blizzcon. I'll start: SC2: Heart of the Swarm trailer: Diablo 3 Trailer: Mists of Pandaria Trailer :
by Bleu213
12 Oct 2011, 16:40
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys
Replies: 2
Views: 1711

Re: Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys

We already have the PvP ones. There are Hyjal Dailies and Battleground dailies. There aren't any PvE dailies that I'm aware of, aside from voting for the server of course.
by Bleu213
06 Oct 2011, 18:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP Steve Jobs!
Replies: 29
Views: 10732

Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

I heard they're holding his funeral next week, and again in a few months with more storage space, 4g and a small camera. :D
by Bleu213
06 Oct 2011, 08:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP Steve Jobs!
Replies: 29
Views: 10732

Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Windows is the best. I mean, Bill Gates is still alive. A new conspiracy I heard tonight is that Bill Gates created a virus to destroy Apple. Instead of killing the machines, however... Well, you get the rest. I also heard Jobs is being cryogenically frozen next to Walt Disney for the Zombie Apocaly...
by Bleu213
06 Oct 2011, 03:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP Steve Jobs!
Replies: 29
Views: 10732

Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

It is a shame, to have all that and to die at such a young age, Just goes to show that no matter how much money you have there are still many things we can do nothing about. Well, to be fair, he died at the age of 56 years old. Currently, it's about 78 years old for the US, so he was about 20 years...
by Bleu213
06 Oct 2011, 02:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP Steve Jobs!
Replies: 29
Views: 10732

Re: RIP Steve Jobs! ... d=14383813

An article about it.

Now that I think about it, I wonder how the stocks will do for Apple. I mean, I know he left as CEO a while ago, but still. It's possible to have an impact.
by Bleu213
05 Oct 2011, 10:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)
Replies: 127
Views: 47404

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Multiboxing is forbidden... bcuz its just takes no effort to buy all the good gear from vendors for each character take all the chants from the vendors back again , without spending shitload of gold to enchant every character for multi boxer n all the shitz... This statement puzzles me. You say mul...