Search found 6 matches

by Taz408
29 Jan 2012, 16:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
Replies: 140
Views: 66252

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge? Hookz, Bless, Xenophia, Tastylol. I am 17 years old. I currently live in England. I do not speak any other languages; however I am English - and one of those "English grammar Nazi's" so my ability to converse with the correct punctua...
by Taz408
07 Aug 2011, 14:59
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.
Replies: 23
Views: 8321

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

But if you change the costs, it will take longer (obviously) what im talking about is S3 for arena points.... thats the MAIN POINT of this thread. Please contribute something of value in future.
by Taz408
06 Aug 2011, 00:41
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.
Replies: 23
Views: 8321

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Who said anything about starting at the top? Have you actually read what I've written mate?
by Taz408
04 Aug 2011, 08:59
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.
Replies: 23
Views: 8321

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Understood - no I wasn't around then. Still though, my point stands imo. My proposal in my eyes (OBVIOUSLY) seems like a less monotonous system. Don't you think? Diversity in methods of gathering arena gear, and the ladder up which you travel to attain the S4 gear, seems like a better idea - and for...
by Taz408
03 Aug 2011, 17:11
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.
Replies: 23
Views: 8321

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Sorry just forgot to add: My reason for this is that In s2 I'm currently at 1800 rating, and maybe can get a little higher - but getting to 1950 rating, would put me at nearly rank 1 on the server currently, before I can even spend points on bits of Brutal, which isn't the way the requirements were ...
by Taz408
03 Aug 2011, 17:03
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.
Replies: 23
Views: 8321


Heya guys, firstly - thank you for the largely fantastic server, it is without doubt the best private server i've ever played on, and I don't think there's enough appreciation for how good it really is :) Now onto my suggestion: I have started another warrior with the idea of gearing him up the prop...