Search found 9 matches
- 10 Sep 2011, 03:41
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Warlock Bugs - Report here
- Replies: 83
- Views: 58827
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
**As a side note, just a suggestion - perhaps, similarly to how a players life and mana pool is filled as a duel starts, could you implement this system to apply to pets too? Will save warlocks the issue of having to resummon due to damage taken via soul link and/or mana used. :) THANKS http://image...
- 08 Sep 2011, 17:06
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Report: Allied Faction Attack Exploit
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1189
Report: Allied Faction Attack Exploit
Character : Jizjiz Race : Blood Elf Class : Priest (shadow) Reason : (S)he was using what can only be described as a third party exploitation system which enabled him/her to attack members of his/her allied faciton. He wouldn't stop attacking me and in fact killed me twice. Proof As you can see in ...
- 30 Aug 2011, 23:58
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: New Developer: Let me introduce myself!
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8390
Re: New Developer: Let me introduce myself!
Very happy to see somebody with the above mentioned qualifications doing some dedicated work here. Good luck to you and thanks for the introduction.!
- 30 Aug 2011, 21:08
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: August 30th Downtime Info
- Replies: 78
- Views: 25422
Re: August 30th Downtime Info
When life gives you lemons.... give some attention to the NYAN CAT! :)
No worries, frustration is understandable, but these things happen. Good luck resolving the issues, I trust that we are all in good hands.
P.S. if the Nyan Cat doesn't do it for you, open it in multiple tabs. :) haha
No worries, frustration is understandable, but these things happen. Good luck resolving the issues, I trust that we are all in good hands.
P.S. if the Nyan Cat doesn't do it for you, open it in multiple tabs. :) haha
- 31 Jul 2011, 12:09
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1592
Re: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
Great stuff, thanks for the quick fix. :)
- 31 Jul 2011, 12:06
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1591
Re: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
I do, unfortunately it's not the most convincing picture because for whatever reason it could just seem as if he is in the middle of a duel - however if you refer to the chat log you can see I whisper Facepwner "posted" and a little later Noobar (the person Facepwner is attacking) defeats ...
- 28 Jul 2011, 19:03
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1591
Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
Both yesterday and today I (along with many other players) have encountered a player/players who are using third party applications in order to enable them to attack members of their own faction - going as far as to be able to even use abilities as if enabled in a duel. Facepwner (gnome rogue) was o...
- 28 Jul 2011, 09:24
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1592
Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
Greetings =) The Imp Minions which belong to the Dawnblade Summoners are bugged in the sense that if you run past a summoner and keep running, the summoner will reset & evade, but the imp keeps chasing you hence keeping you suck in combat. Also, the imp remains untargetable, so you need to use a...
- 07 Jul 2011, 22:08
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
- Replies: 140
- Views: 66120
Tegan GM Application
** Please note: I have read & fully understand the requirements and acknowledge the fact that it is required to have a in-game played time of 5 days - I realise that this shows dedication to a certain extent as well as continued server support, however, I do not make this requirement . I have o...