Search found 9 matches

by Mberry
10 Sep 2011, 03:41
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Warlock Bugs - Report here
Replies: 83
Views: 58827

Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here

**As a side note, just a suggestion - perhaps, similarly to how a players life and mana pool is filled as a duel starts, could you implement this system to apply to pets too? Will save warlocks the issue of having to resummon due to damage taken via soul link and/or mana used. :) THANKS http://image...
by Mberry
08 Sep 2011, 17:06
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Report: Allied Faction Attack Exploit
Replies: 0
Views: 1189

Report: Allied Faction Attack Exploit

Character : Jizjiz Race : Blood Elf Class : Priest (shadow) Reason : (S)he was using what can only be described as a third party exploitation system which enabled him/her to attack members of his/her allied faciton. He wouldn't stop attacking me and in fact killed me twice. Proof As you can see in ...
by Mberry
30 Aug 2011, 23:58
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: New Developer: Let me introduce myself!
Replies: 13
Views: 8390

Re: New Developer: Let me introduce myself!

Very happy to see somebody with the above mentioned qualifications doing some dedicated work here. Good luck to you and thanks for the introduction.!
by Mberry
30 Aug 2011, 21:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: August 30th Downtime Info
Replies: 78
Views: 25422

Re: August 30th Downtime Info

When life gives you lemons.... give some attention to the NYAN CAT! :)

No worries, frustration is understandable, but these things happen. Good luck resolving the issues, I trust that we are all in good hands.

P.S. if the Nyan Cat doesn't do it for you, open it in multiple tabs. :) haha
by Mberry
31 Jul 2011, 12:09
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
Replies: 2
Views: 1592

Re: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions

Great stuff, thanks for the quick fix. :)
by Mberry
31 Jul 2011, 12:06
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
Replies: 3
Views: 1591

Re: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack

I do, unfortunately it's not the most convincing picture because for whatever reason it could just seem as if he is in the middle of a duel - however if you refer to the chat log you can see I whisper Facepwner "posted" and a little later Noobar (the person Facepwner is attacking) defeats ...
by Mberry
28 Jul 2011, 19:03
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack
Replies: 3
Views: 1591

Hacker(s) Allied Faction Attack

Both yesterday and today I (along with many other players) have encountered a player/players who are using third party applications in order to enable them to attack members of their own faction - going as far as to be able to even use abilities as if enabled in a duel. Facepwner (gnome rogue) was o...
by Mberry
28 Jul 2011, 09:24
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions
Replies: 2
Views: 1592

Isle of Quel Danas - Imp Minions

Greetings =) The Imp Minions which belong to the Dawnblade Summoners are bugged in the sense that if you run past a summoner and keep running, the summoner will reset & evade, but the imp keeps chasing you hence keeping you suck in combat. Also, the imp remains untargetable, so you need to use a...
by Mberry
07 Jul 2011, 22:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
Replies: 140
Views: 66120

Tegan GM Application

** Please note: I have read & fully understand the requirements and acknowledge the fact that it is required to have a in-game played time of 5 days - I realise that this shows dedication to a certain extent as well as continued server support, however, I do not make this requirement . I have o...