Search found 6 matches

by Mort0301
12 Mar 2012, 21:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What about opening a 19 twink server?
Replies: 15
Views: 6580

What about opening a 19 twink server?

While i was out on the interwebz stalking around for a level 19 twink server, i didn't any good. So i was wondering since TBC level 70 PvP turned out great (and still does) What about opening a level 19 twink server? With the fishing hats, bandit vests, smelting pants, shadowfangs and Feet of the ly...
by Mort0301
21 Oct 2011, 23:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Donor Tag
Replies: 27
Views: 11010

Re: Donor Tag

Same here, donated twice
by Mort0301
14 Aug 2011, 19:40
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Group's disbanding after going to bg,arena etc etc etc
Replies: 6
Views: 2318

Group's disbanding after going to bg,arena etc etc etc

Yeah like title says this is a topic about the groups disbanding, is it possible to NOT do that?

it is very annoying that it gets disbanded after every arena when i do it with a mate.. Any way possible to not getting it disbanded?
by Mort0301
10 Aug 2011, 18:41
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Warsong gulch bug
Replies: 3
Views: 1640

Warsong gulch bug

middle of a bg... I also had a video of it but there is a commercial on it since i was listening to netradio while playing so that is a bit not usefull.... the commercial is also on danish so its not usefull at all. if i find a way to remove the sounds i might upload it aswell if thats possible. Cap...
by Mort0301
10 Aug 2011, 18:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: a new donormall suggestion
Replies: 5
Views: 2463

a new donormall suggestion

I have got an idea because i think the donor malls are pretty boring atm, what if it moved to Emerald dream forest? Then the donators can explore around in the content there while gearing up and such.

Good suggestion or bad suggestion?
by Mort0301
04 Jul 2011, 20:14
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Badge of justice to honor
Replies: 1
Views: 1262

Badge of justice to honor

( i dont know if this have been posted be me before but i cannot see it so i post it again )

Hey i have been wondering if it was possible to change the amount of honors from Badges to 200 instead of 100 because ppl want a bit more reward for those hard earned badges.