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by Malandro
26 Aug 2011, 16:15
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Poll: Change to AV Times / Removal
Replies: 21
Views: 8297

Re: Poll: Change to AV Times / Removal

Heya guys, looks liek i came back in time.

well i logged on today, and right as i came on, eots switched to av, and guess what? Huge lag! It was lagging for a good 20 minutes.

Why does it lag so much when AV starts? and i spent quite a bit of money here, so i would atleast like to play without lag.
by Malandro
21 Aug 2011, 19:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Too much Alterac Valley
Replies: 12
Views: 5028

Re: Too much Alterac Valley

I made it so there was 3 AV rotations. Two 2-hour rotations and one 1-hour rotation. If you all would like me to actually DROP one of the rotations, I will be more than happy to comply with making these changes. I would only have to see a large majority of people in favor of this. If you would like...
by Malandro
18 Aug 2011, 22:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bearmount issue
Replies: 8
Views: 3307

Re: Bearmount issue

The difference is that people, like the one who started this, would be able to get the item he wanted. Henhouse specifically said he doesnt refund donations, because they are donations. If the person who started this topic had the choice of donating or buying the mount, he would have bought the moun...
by Malandro
17 Aug 2011, 17:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bearmount issue
Replies: 8
Views: 3307

Re: Bearmount issue

You didn't "buy" a mount. You donated $10 and recieved a bear as a thank you. As we all know, we didn't donate out of the goodness of our hearts, we donated because in our minds we wanted to "buy" the items we chose. This server, and every other server, knows that we only payed b...
by Malandro
10 Aug 2011, 22:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What I just found...
Replies: 12
Views: 4414

Re: What I just found...

Henhouse wrote:Most people do, once someone asked me if I was supporting a family. >_> But yes, I started Smolderforge when I was still 14 (2 months from 15), pretty insane I don't recommend it.
Kid genius!
by Malandro
10 Aug 2011, 22:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: a new donormall suggestion
Replies: 5
Views: 2462

Re: a new donormall suggestion

can we have like our own mall though? 1. A place to "hang out" and maybe duel. 2. Proffesion trainers (so you don't have to do dailies) and venders for proffesions. ( I think this would be a great way to get more people to donate) 3. A seperate area with battlemasters / arena masters with ...
by Malandro
10 Aug 2011, 14:59
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What I just found...
Replies: 12
Views: 4414

Re: What I just found...

Wow .... that's just ......... so funneh!
by Malandro
10 Aug 2011, 04:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hackers...
Replies: 8
Views: 2952

Re: Hackers...

Henhouse wrote:What is wrong with the quality of these screenshots?
Idk, I cropped the first one, and then they came out shitty. I can re-post them again.

I have to "click" because I play on a laptop right now.
by Malandro
09 Aug 2011, 21:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hackers...
Replies: 8
Views: 2952


So uhm, i go to elwynn forest, and some naked priest named "Freefalling" kills me and says that he's a GM. He casts "Mind vision" or w/e it's called, and you die as soon as he does it.
by Malandro
09 Aug 2011, 18:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: PvP Titles
Replies: 26
Views: 9423

Re: PvP Titles

Peekaboo wrote:Also reset HK, for the lolz! ^^
My old server did a server wipe, and it' worked well. it actually brought players because people were able to re-make their chars as alliance, and it balanced out a little.

But on here, he would have to refund everyone's donorship, which would take a very long time.