Search found 64 matches

by Rdruid
28 Apr 2009, 02:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.
Replies: 23
Views: 12014

Re: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

LOL u click bandages u suck.

by Rdruid
20 Apr 2009, 06:39
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Smolderforge Arena Season 5 Finalists
Replies: 15
Views: 7950

Re: Smolderforge Arena Season 5 Finalists

lol Fluck thats funny. To sad you won the season with grinding noobs you are sure skilled. You defently deserve the win. Got owned my Zat and didn't even play the good teams. lol what fail Thanks for all the support, makes me feel great. A few things i don't quite understand. 1. We did play Zat, an...
by Rdruid
18 Apr 2009, 00:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Time season ends?
Replies: 3
Views: 1934

Re: Time season ends?

I've had several people ask me this, so don't worry. I never actually specified I hadn't put much thought into it. Really it could end at 12AM or 24 hours later when the day is over. But I think since it ends on the 18th it probably will tonight. Wait, so it will be ending friday night? I know that...
by Rdruid
15 Apr 2009, 11:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hunt druid 2v2 vid
Replies: 44
Views: 18124

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

I usually go 0/0/61 for hunter/druid combo, it helps a lot because i can healing touch my partner for a rather significant amount. Also, it helps a lot because when i NS healing touch the pet i am able to keep him alive through atleast another 6000, yes thats a 6 with three 0's following it, damage....
by Rdruid
14 Apr 2009, 23:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fluck rdruid
Replies: 17
Views: 6926

Re: Fluck rdruid

Or neither of us have had time to play lately. FLuck has been gone on college trips and i have been hanging with my RL friends. Stop trying to start drama.

PS Paws and Antique we can play you on Saturday, because thats when Fluck gets back from his 2nd college trip of the break.
by Rdruid
14 Apr 2009, 23:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: rank 1
Replies: 4
Views: 2342

Re: rank 1

What are you talking about? We played 6 games this week and farmed Pixel with his druid and some war/druid team. We played a total of 6 games and the amount of games we played did go up...we even frapsed the games that we played if you can't believe we played.
by Rdruid
14 Apr 2009, 01:15
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fluck rdruid
Replies: 17
Views: 6926

Re: Fluck rdruid

Qdodge vs me? sure nice logging off after first game vs a rogue w/o wound and nice qdodging myst/paws infin/antiq its all proven, and alot of people know it. my friends list goes like. Antique Paws has gone online 1 min later Fluckadinz/Rdruid has gone offline.... And as about your kidney it...
by Rdruid
18 Mar 2009, 06:32
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Poll: Possible New Realm
Replies: 25
Views: 10390

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Couldn't we just have the 3v3 tourney in 2.4.3? I remember u had that one realm up before that had all the gear and everything. I think making the tourney for what smol is running now would be best.
by Rdruid
18 Mar 2009, 01:25
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Poll: Possible New Realm
Replies: 25
Views: 10390

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

I think that the additional option 3 thing sounds the most fun. Wrath server would be cool w/o bugs tho.
by Rdruid
12 Mar 2009, 23:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kzv + elani = pro
Replies: 30
Views: 13427

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

That's pretty dumb to just sit in stealth when you lost, you need to deal with the bugs on smolderforge or just leave if they make you too mad. Wasting other peoples time because you're mad at a bug is pretty low.