Search found 26 matches

by Brainstitch
20 Jun 2012, 23:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kinda important question?
Replies: 12
Views: 4182

Re: Kinda important question?

Alright. Kinda sad to lose my character, but happy the whole server is heading from the start. Good luck and cya in July :)
by Brainstitch
20 Jun 2012, 22:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kinda important question?
Replies: 12
Views: 4182

Kinda important question?

Since I'm way too impatient for wotlk being up again so I can finally play here again, I have one question.
The old accounts & characters from Smolder Wrath; will I still be able to access my old character? Or is it non retrievable and I have to roll new one?
by Brainstitch
10 Jun 2012, 22:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Is this server still up?
Replies: 10
Views: 3813

Re: Is this server still up?

When is WOTLK gonna be on again? I really want to get back here and play.
by Brainstitch
10 Jun 2012, 00:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Is this server still up?
Replies: 10
Views: 3813

Is this server still up?

I used to play here, and then everyone I played with left so I left too since I got bored eventually of WoW and everything. And now I'd like to come back and check on it. Since something's wrong with my old acc (I can't log in although the pass and username are correct) I tried to make new acc but t...
by Brainstitch
04 Aug 2011, 23:51
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: I have a problem!!
Replies: 3
Views: 1587

Re: I have a problem!!

"The information you have entered is not valid. Please check the spelling of the account name and password. If you need help in retrieving a lost or stolen password and account, see [] for more information." The realm I'm using is "smolderforge....
by Brainstitch
31 Jul 2011, 19:41
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: I have a problem!!
Replies: 3
Views: 1587

I have a problem!!

Why can't I log in?
I haven't been here for a while, and I can't log in, is my acc banned for inactivity or something?
If so, can I get it back? :|
by Brainstitch
19 Apr 2011, 15:15
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Faces behind the characters.
Replies: 106
Views: 39753

Re: Faces behind the characters.

Age don't matter. Just breast size!
by Brainstitch
18 Apr 2011, 23:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Faces behind the characters.
Replies: 106
Views: 39753

Re: Faces behind the characters.

Brainstich (hope I wrote correctly, sorry if not ;) )

you`re from Hungary or Poland?
You you look like polish girl from Cracow ;) same type of beauty and I like it !
lol no I'm from Croatia.