Search found 26 matches
- 02 Jun 2018, 22:06
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: GM summoning & stat issue
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1827
GM summoning & stat issue
Hello, I've noticed that character stats get lowered for some reason from a game master's summon (I noticed I had less mana and resilience for example in today's event, I don't know what all stats it affects and by what magnitude, I'm guessing it affects all stats however. If I recall correctly I al...
- 25 Jan 2018, 14:13
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Gender change
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1567
Re: Gender change
- 19 Dec 2017, 23:20
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Transmog legendaries
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2632
Re: Transmog legendaries
agreed. this sounds like a nice suggestion. the only issue i have with it is that it would only really be usefull for thoridal xmogs unless im forgetting something because why would you want to xmog legendary 150 wep frag weapons? Hmm yes, as far as I understand Thori'dal seems to be the only "...
- 16 Dec 2017, 20:16
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Transmog legendaries
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2632
Transmog legendaries
Hi, I thought it'd be cool if you could also transmog legendary items (like Thori'dal). Perhaps, if you want to retain the ability for others to still identify the legendary item's original form, you could have a special function for legendaries so that you only transmog the item physically, but sti...
- 14 Dec 2017, 19:52
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Vote issue & server population/popularity(?)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2005
Re: Vote issue & server population/popularity(?)
It could be that most people indeed vote regularly but as someone that has played here for a fairly long time and after noticing a somewhat slow but steady decline in population, this issue somehow just struck me and made me wonder, what if this is at least partly the cause, what if for a long time ...
- 14 Dec 2017, 19:01
- Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
- Topic: Vote issue & server population/popularity(?)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2005
Vote issue & server population/popularity(?)
Hello, Shortly after I discovered this issue I wanted to bring it to light. Now I'm not sure if this is actually already a known issue but I couldn't find anything relating to it after a quick search, so my apologies if this is actually nothing new to the staff. But the issue itself fairly simple in...
- 24 Aug 2015, 18:37
- Forum:
- Topic: Weapon Fragments ("Donation Token") Transferrable
- Replies: 30
- Views: 10575
Re: Weapon Fragments ("Donation Token") Transferrable
I'm not sure how much I like the idea of being able to transfer Weapon Fragments... maybe within one's own account, but then I can imagine a lot of people whining because they have 2-5 accounts with different characters everywhere. It also really screws up the timeframe in which it takes to achieve...
- 07 Jun 2015, 19:00
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Transmog ( Forum Event)
- Replies: 19
- Views: 8325
Re: Transmog ( Forum Event)
Some pics of my lock

- 13 Mar 2014, 16:57
- Forum: Druid
- Topic: Ailyn's boomlicious (un)balance durid guide leaked
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6762
Ailyn's boomlicious (un)balance durid guide leaked
Hello!, 2day i decided to finally leak my guide about bombkin. it's been in secret for long time and only a few lucky have managed to get access to it, and they have been wrecking havoc in BGs, arenas and duels alike with it. i will finally enlighten you what is truly behind these destructive beasts...
- 12 Dec 2010, 21:07
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: connected?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 4785
Re: connected?
hangs? :O thanks alot anyway, finally.Henhouse wrote:Happens on rare occasion when the server hangs for some reason. Server is coming back online now.