Search found 34 matches

by Lustful
01 Sep 2011, 14:51
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Major blackout problem.
Replies: 1
Views: 1273

Major blackout problem.

Yesterday it was 'working fine' just like before, getting blackout on self by popping shadow fiend, shadow word: death backfire.. Also was able to abuse by spamming Mind Vision on someone, causing the target to blackout after few tries. But today.. I joined a BG and i got 3 blackouts while buffing.....
by Lustful
27 Aug 2011, 12:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Universal music thread!
Replies: 430
Views: 135044

Re: Universal music thread!

Avenged Sevenfold - M.i.a. (R.I.P. The Rev) Elvenking - Swallowtail My Chemical Romance - This is how I disappear Pain - Bye/Die
by Lustful
26 Aug 2011, 01:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Universal music thread!
Replies: 430
Views: 135044

Re: Universal music thread!

Hollywood Undead - City

Hollywood Undead - Hear me now
by Lustful
25 Aug 2011, 11:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Universal music thread!
Replies: 430
Views: 135044

Re: Universal music thread!

Damn those lyrics are so true..
by Lustful
22 Aug 2011, 02:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Increased lag
Replies: 14
Views: 5427

Re: Increased lag

Mynce wrote:remove AV
by Lustful
06 Aug 2011, 03:34
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: YAAY.... Factionhackers!
Replies: 4
Views: 2354

Re: YAAY.... Factionhackers!

KGO ban for crying out loud.
Darn, its getting plainly retarded in elwynn.
Always some midgets or NE fggts (i dont care for your orientation honestly.. just trying to find a good word to describe em) that fly/faction hack.
Gms should stop farming Hks in bgs *hint hint* and actually DO something!
by Lustful
10 Jul 2011, 01:32
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Helping a friend, part 2
Replies: 1
Views: 1135

Helping a friend, part 2

Hello there. My friend that got his 72hour ban for colorful text in lfg still cant log on his acc. The ip ban was lifted but he still cant log on his acc : naira . He said he gets a disconnect everytime he tryes to.. Probably at the logging-in process. Could anyone look into this? Pervious topic : h...
by Lustful
05 Jul 2011, 02:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Arathi Basin Hacker <_<
Replies: 18
Views: 7358

Re: Arathi Basin Hacker <_<

There is no fucking way Euthanized would hack.

I know him a long time and he is one of the few normal people of this server.
He uses feral combat to its limit, people just mostly underestimate this spec..
Guildie or no, I stand behind Euth.
by Lustful
03 Jul 2011, 19:58
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Helping a friend
Replies: 2
Views: 1685

Re: Helping a friend

Oh alright.
He said it was permanent so there has been a minor misunderstanding.
Okay sounds fair, understand some things have to be followed.
