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by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 16:19
Forum: News & Updates
Topic: Server Updates 3.6 & 3.6a
Replies: 18
Views: 8459

Re: Server Updates 3.6 & 3.6a

Sabin wrote: why
Guess.. Just put a Warglaives on Warr/Rogue and Ull see, disgusting.. Still casters dont own anything like this
by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 11:33
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: Second Wind
Replies: 10
Views: 5360

Second Wind

Warrios are missing one of the most usable, and needable talent, the Second Wind. Wars are underpowered on Smold enough, and its all mainly cuz of SW.

Someone fix it pls, just unplayable against rogues that have more then 0 skill, unplayable against mages, unplayable against many speccs
by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 11:27
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: PvE on Smolderforge
Replies: 14
Views: 6923

PvE on Smolderforge

I realize, that this topic will get locked in a secs, I dunno why, but lets at least try I was wandering a long while, why ppl go PvE on !PVP SERVER! to lag it for ALL the others. That means, for some clueless, 15ppl go SWV, wow we are so happy we got 1 badge from 1 boss! But.. ? Other 75ppl are fuc...
by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 11:20
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: 0% chance to parry
Replies: 7
Views: 3766

Re: 0% chance to parry

Not a bug, ppl will just never learn to try on their own to help themselves, that means trainer in mall wont teach parry, u must go to some blizzard-made npc maybe in SW/OG, hell I dunno..
by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 11:17
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
Replies: 5
Views: 5875

Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*

Isnt deleting patch files, then opening repair.exe way easier ?

I dunno if it works in wotlk, but it always worked kinda fast & reliably
by t0sKY
10 Feb 2009, 10:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)
Replies: 52
Views: 28341

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

answer to 94.5% of this statement: Evasion Rank 2 Instant 5 min cooldown increases the rogue's dodge chance by 50$ and reduces the chance ranged attacks hit the rogue by 25%. Lasts 15 sec. the effect SHOULD BE that it dodges 50% of ALLLL ATTACKS, but instead. its white attacks only. so MS and even ...
by t0sKY
09 Feb 2009, 21:18
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Pre BC Realm
Replies: 18
Views: 8528

Re: Pre BC Realm

Lol do you even know what you're talking about? PreBC more balanced then BC?If you call being stunlocked till death,1 shotted etc,etc balanced then something's wrong.BC required more skill in all aspects take a look at duels back then and duels in BC,it was more fun but certainly didnt require more...
by t0sKY
09 Feb 2009, 20:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)
Replies: 52
Views: 28341

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Just ask Lawlpwnt, i cant tell you how many times on my rogue and with kat he would just rape kat or me in less then 15 seconds Oh rly? Oh no.. Oh, now I get it.. Can u just get a video for me? Cuz I say, what? a stun.. what? another stun.. what the hack is it now.. 1/2hp? hell no, here I go.. dodg...
by t0sKY
04 Feb 2009, 15:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)
Replies: 52
Views: 28341

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Its kinda offtopic, but why not, I cant sit silencely.. Who was talking about arenas? There 5% healers on server, anyway. U got plenty, plenty, plenty of poisons/disables/stuns/resistance/medailon/WotF - as every stupid asshole/dodge.. And much more, that would imply, that when u stick it all, other...
by t0sKY
04 Feb 2009, 13:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)
Replies: 52
Views: 28341

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

@ t0sky, the truth is you dont have to deadzone kite an equal geared warrior here (unless there is some pve/pvp mix gear and war does 3k whites lol) but evasion and stunlocks get warriors down here, which is the opposite to how you deadly zone kite them on live, see second wind +bloodcraze makes th...