Search found 10 matches

by Yoavbebn
06 Jan 2011, 11:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So that' who you are
Replies: 10
Views: 4451

Re: So that' who you are

Because you've been asked to wait patiently for a response doesn't mean you can blame the Game Masters who placed this suspension. Yes, suspension, you obviously couldn't even wait that long if we had come to an agreement to lift it. Firstly, you were not facing any Game Masters in arena, so cut th...
by Yoavbebn
06 Jan 2011, 06:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So that' who you are
Replies: 10
Views: 4451

Re: So that' who you are

And guesses what? i'am getting warned for open that thread cause he ask me to throw the subject away ages ago. lol something is smell not right
by Yoavbebn
06 Jan 2011, 03:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So that' who you are
Replies: 10
Views: 4451

So that' who you are

Lol guys this server is turn to so sucks. i mean it's fun and all but when you main game masters wrong you just cannot say you wrong and you said we. the players just did nothing wrong and you don't need to explain i'am. I'am banned for nothing i'am maybe one of the oldest player here. i play here f...
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 20:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Re: Account closed?!

Antique wrote:extremlybigpwnerofdoom00
FFS give me those deatils lol i cant add
those details of skype:
Phone number
Full name
Skype name
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 20:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Re: Account closed?!

Give me your account name i'll add on skype
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 20:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Re: Account closed?!

Antique wrote:added on u skype so we can chit-chat
No you didnt :P
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 19:59
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Re: Account closed?!

I can't really help you since I'm not the one placing the ban, you've got to wait and see till the GM in question comes back to you (or not) "Or not?" lol i didnt do anything wrong or anything is banable. Henry know me, Ben know me i dunno how often they are on checking up the furoms. So ...
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 19:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Re: Account closed?!

Toosh wrote:Please don't make multiple threads.
Yes soz lame network, Can you please help me?
We had 12-1 on win - losses and casue of that we got auto lose. i think my partner has the same problem tough he not loging ingame, i loged on another account, please help me. Thanks :)
by Yoavbebn
04 Jan 2011, 19:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Account closed?!
Replies: 11
Views: 4903

Account closed?!

Can some one tell me why iam looging and it's telling me" Account closed "?! Wtf?! I just played arena was almost wining Sizor & Speeder on arena On my Disc priest - Tenny And we just autolose, i gota DC tried to log and than i got that msg: World of Warcraft account has been closed. W...
by Yoavbebn
28 Aug 2010, 16:13
Forum: Guild Recruitment
Topic: Ashen-Wrath only
Replies: 5
Views: 3345

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

PROGRESS Naxx 10/25 Cleared. OS 10/25 Cleared (even with Drakes up). EOE 10/25 Cleared but no script. Voa 10 Koralon,Archavon Cleared. Tavaron not there TOGC 10/25Cleared ICC 10/25 Cleared Only Spawned. Ony Cleared. Gonna do s...