Search found 7 matches
- 16 Jul 2012, 08:55
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: What is the future of Wrath?
- Replies: 34
- Views: 12857
Re: What is the future of Wrath?
One thing i see allot of servers do which for me is a big no no at the start, is promote things like guru arena, if people have a way of easily farming honour for gear they will not que RBG and from there it goes round in full circle, they don't que RBG and farm guru, RBG don't pop ever, everyone el...
- 12 Jul 2012, 23:23
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Mark of the wild (wrath)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 899
Mark of the wild (wrath)
What is the bug? Mark of the Wild / Gift of the Wild is adding holy resistance Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item) spell maybe? How can you reproduce it? Cast mark of the wild, get a paladin to attack you. Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur ...
- 12 Jul 2012, 23:17
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Lifebloom end heal (wrath)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 947
Lifebloom end heal (wrath)
What is the bug? 2nd and 3rd stack Lifebloom end heal not scaling with spell power Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item) Spell How can you reproduce it? Stack lifebloom 2 or 3 times, let it bloom. Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this b...
- 12 Jul 2012, 19:37
- Forum: Closed Reports
- Topic: Trinket procs for Resto druid (wrath)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1008
Trinket procs for Resto druid (wrath)
What is the bug? No trinkets are procing on Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item) Database (i think) How can you reproduce it? Equip any trinket with a proc on heal or spell cast effect and spam lifebloom or rejuvenation fo...
- 11 Oct 2010, 00:23
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: BG Balancing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2146
Re: BG Balancing
Might be worth a shot if you get in contact with the admin at the blizzlike server i play at and see how they did it, i know they have asked devs at other servers for infomation about how they worked around certain bugs and wat not so maybe they would do the same in return. There a pretty friendly b...
- 09 Oct 2010, 05:35
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: BG Balancing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2146
Re: BG Balancing
I have played on a trinity based 2.4.3 server for the past 3-4 years and still play there now (it is strictly blizzlike so i like to play on BG realms to have fun when im bored of it), they have BG balancing, its not a hugley customised core they use either. They do have alot of in house fixes but i...
- 09 Oct 2010, 02:02
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: BG Balancing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2146
BG Balancing
Well, tried out the server for a day (TBC one) and youd prolly say no since every server out there is horde bias and cant stand to see them lose, but how about turning on BG balancing so its not constantly 5v15 and crazy shit like that? Sure horde will have extreamly long queue times but thats what ...