Search found 2 matches

by Nerya
19 Aug 2010, 16:24
Forum: Paladin
Topic: Paladin macro
Replies: 14
Views: 15437

Re: Paladin macro

Avronax wrote:That's a waste of mana, because you may not both need it. It's better to make macros for both.
Just like Avronax said, make a macro for your partner and yourself.
by Nerya
08 Aug 2010, 23:11
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Xillence and Eelda - Mage Priest WOTLK
Replies: 19
Views: 8575

Re: Xillence and Eelda - Mage Priest WOTLK

I lol'd when i saw that shadowpriest just sit in that nova for so long without dispelling himself :)