See no reason why this shouldn't be added to the vendor, or removed from weapons it has already been enchanted to. The only people who object to this would of course be people with the enchant themselves.
Search found 21 matches
- 13 Jun 2011, 02:15
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1879
- 11 Jun 2011, 15:12
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)
- Replies: 127
- Views: 47453
Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)
I'm really surprised multiboxing hasn't been banned yet, Hen is normally really competent at these sort of things but to let something thats ruining numerous BGs go on for this long is just silly.
- 26 May 2011, 18:31
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: This is what's up.
- Replies: 28
- Views: 10164
Re: This is what's up.
Dude. Theres a 1 sec global cooldown, during which i cant attack, in that time im Already spam clicking my next spell while i get the message"spell not ready". Im telling u, im just as fast believe it or not I'm not saying all clickers are bad players, I'm saying you're creating a ceiling...
- 26 May 2011, 18:16
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: This is what's up.
- Replies: 28
- Views: 10164
Re: This is what's up.
and while you're staring down at your action bars and while you're busy clicking you're unable to for example turn with your mouse and keep track of everything going around you I dont have a prob with that i barely look at my bar, and since i use WASD to move around i just hit S for down and right ...
- 26 May 2011, 17:32
- Forum: Screenshots & Videos
- Topic: This is what's up.
- Replies: 28
- Views: 10164
Re: This is what's up.
Idgaf about keybinding imo its anoyying and i think i do fine, i wouldnt be any better with binds, i use wasd so i really dont see an issue. People hate on it, but for the 3 years i have been playing wow i have been able to keep up with clicking, look im on top...with clicking.. And i have killed m...
- 21 May 2011, 17:46
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
- Replies: 38
- Views: 13216
Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
I started ignoring this topic when Zat, Clausewitz + Smashedd enter this topic because they are all full of bullshit and you know that :) Yet you're still replying. @Clausewitz & Smashedd: So ur saying I'm abusing a trinket that I use since day 1? I started here and its just the best trinket fo...
- 21 May 2011, 16:29
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
- Replies: 38
- Views: 13216
Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
Glad you agree Smashedd; and while I constantly joke about being the best at every class, when I'm being serious I make sure to remain humble; that way you see where you've went wrong and can improve on your flaws. Exactly, also saw him spamming 'nerds nerds nerds' after he lost some 2v2 today. Not...
- 20 May 2011, 16:26
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
- Replies: 38
- Views: 13216
Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure
This x100, Firstaidkit, if you think you're perfect you'll never improve until you realise you're just not that good at all.Until you realize that you'll never improve and will continue to fall into this cycle of getting merked and whining.
- 19 May 2011, 16:19
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei Available To Donators.
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8470
Re: Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei Available To Donators.
Also I think deathfrost enchant and tabard of the flame / frost should be added for BoJ, always wondered why they've never been in the vendors.
- 18 May 2011, 00:47
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei Available To Donators.
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8470
Re: Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei Available To Donators.
I agree with this, aswell as Hammer of Sanctification. 100 BoJ takes a lot of time and seems fair to me.Godfather wrote:I agree make it 100 BoJs and thats it :) So i hope there is any response soon.